Modding Help Help Packing

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by DarkMage16, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. DarkMage16

    DarkMage16 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I want to pack up my mod, I write this C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\win32\asset_packer.exe" "C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow" "C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow 1" in cmd in administrator and I get THe filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.... please help me
  2. IHart

    IHart Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The third string should end in ".pak".
    It's also possible that spaces are not allowed.
  3. DarkMage16

    DarkMage16 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\win32\asset_packer.exe""C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow""C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow 1.pak"
    C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\win32\asset_packer.exe" "C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow" "C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow 1\Weeping Hollow.pak"
    tried this..... still the same
  4. katana

    katana Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  5. DarkMage16

    DarkMage16 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I unpacked actually by using this
    @Echo off
    echo #######################################
    echo #### ModPackHelper v0.11 By Dolan #####
    echo #### Starbound 1.0 compatibility #####
    echo ############# 2016-10-23 ##############
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    set pak_ext=pak
    set modpak_ext=modpak
    set modinfo_file=metadata
    set asset_file=packed.pak
    set asset_unpack_folder=_unpacked
    Rem Leave this way if you place the batch file in Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods folder
    Rem Or change with a relative or full path
    Rem %~dp0 mean current file location
    set starbound_folder=%~dp0..\
    set starbound_assets_folder=%starbound_folder%assets\
    Rem If script is placed in mods folder so it's the current
    set starbound_mods_folder=%~dp0
    Rem set starbound_mods_folder=%starbound_folder%giraffe_storage\mods\
    set log_file=%~dp0ModPackHelper.log

    Rem Detect OS
    Rem if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" (
    set asset_tools_folder=%starbound_folder%win32\
    echo ##### Using Win32 asset_packer ########
    Rem ) else (
    Rem set asset_tools_folder=%starbound_folder%win64\
    Rem echo ####### Your OS : Windows 64 ##########
    Rem )

    Rem Transform relative path to absolute
    for /d %%D in ("%starbound_assets_folder%") do set starbound_assets_folder=%%~dpD
    for /d %%D in ("%starbound_mods_folder%") do set starbound_mods_folder=%%~dpD
    for /d %%D in ("%asset_tools_folder%") do set asset_tools_folder=%%~dpD

    rem init var
    set count=0
    set choice=

    rem Define locales
    set msg_choice=Choice :
    set msg_choices=Choices :
    set msg_all=All
    set msg_back_menu=Back to menu
    set msg_invalid_choice=Invalid choice
    set msg_action=Choose action ?
    set msg_action_assets=Unpack the assets (To start modding)
    set msg_action_assets_no_pak=Unable to find the asset pak file
    set msg_action_assets_wait=Please wait... (It could take a while)
    set msg_action_assets_done=Assets successfuly unpacked to "%starbound_assets_folder%%asset_unpack_folder%"
    set msg_action_pack=Pack mods
    set msg_action_pack_no_mods=There is no mods to pack
    set msg_action_pack_selection=Wich mods would you like to pack ?
    set msg_action_pack_done= has been packed
    set msg_action_unpack=Unpack mods
    set msg_action_unpack_no_mods=There is no mods to unpack
    set msg_action_unpack_selection=Wich mods would you like to unpack ?
    set msg_action_unpack_done= has been unpacked

    Rem Choose the type of action
    echo !msg_action!
    echo 0] !msg_action_assets!
    echo 1] !msg_action_pack!
    echo 2] !msg_action_unpack!

    set /p action_choice=%msg_choice%

    if %action_choice%==0 (
    if exist "%starbound_assets_folder%%asset_file%" (
    goto :next1
    ) else (
    echo !msg_action_assets_no_pak!
    goto :start

    ) else (
    if %action_choice%==1 (
    for /d %%D in ("%starbound_mods_folder%*") do (
    Rem List only folders containing a _metadata file
    if exist "%starbound_mods_folder%%%~nxD\*%modinfo_file%" (
    set /a count=count+1
    set choice[!count!]=%%~nxD
    ) else (
    if %action_choice%==2 (
    for %%F in ("%starbound_mods_folder%*.%pak_ext%") do (
    set /a count=count+1
    set choice[!count!]=%%~nF
    for %%F in ("%starbound_mods_folder%*.%modpak_ext%") do (
    set /a count=count+1
    set choice[!count!]=%%~nF
    ) else (
    echo !msg_invalid_choice! : !action_choice!
    goto :start

    Rem if no mod folder or mod file
    if %count%==0 (
    if %action_choice%==1 (
    echo !msg_action_pack_no_mods!
    ) else (
    echo !msg_action_unpack_no_mods!
    goto :start

    set mod_count=0
    set mods_selected=
    if %action_choice%==1 echo !msg_action_pack_selection!
    if %action_choice%==2 echo !msg_action_unpack_selection!

    Rem Choose mods
    echo 0] !msg_all!
    for /l %%D in (1,1,!count!) do (
    echo %%~nxD] !choice[%%~nxD]!
    echo M] !msg_back_menu!

    set /p mod_choice=%msg_choices%

    Rem Check if there is 0 in choices
    for %%a in (%mod_choice%) do (
    if %%a==0 (
    Rem if 0 no need to loop on other choices, select all
    for /L %%j in (1,1,!count!) do (
    set /a mod_count+=1
    set mods_selected[!mod_count!]=!choice[%%j]!
    goto :next1

    for %%a in (%mod_choice%) do (
    Rem if M go back to menu
    if %%a==M goto :start
    if %%a==m goto :start

    Rem TODO : Add non numeric check
    if %%a LSS 0 (
    echo !msg_invalid_choice! : %%a
    ) else (
    if %%a GTR !count! (
    echo !msg_invalid_choice! : %%a
    ) else (
    Rem Add choice to list
    set /a mod_count+=1
    set mods_selected[!mod_count!]=!choice[%%a]!

    Rem if no correct choices reask
    if %mod_count%==0 goto :chooseMods


    if %action_choice%==0 (
    echo.>> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo.%DATE% %TIME% >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo Unpacking assets to %starbound_assets_folder%%asset_unpack_folder% >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo !msg_action_assets_wait! >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    call "%asset_tools_folder%asset_unpacker.exe" "%starbound_assets_folder%%asset_file%" "%starbound_assets_folder%%asset_unpack_folder%" >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo !msg_action_assets_done! >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    ) else (
    for /L %%i in (1,1,%mod_count%) do (
    echo.>> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo.%DATE% %TIME% >> "%log_file%" 2>&1

    if %action_choice%==1 (
    echo Packing %starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]! >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo to %starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%pak_ext% >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    call "%asset_tools_folder%asset_packer.exe" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%pak_ext%" >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo !mods_selected[%%i]!!msg_action_pack_done! 2>&1
    ) else (
    Rem Compatibility with old modpak extensions
    if exist "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%pak_ext%" (
    echo Unpacking %starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%pak_ext% >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo to %starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]! >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    call "%asset_tools_folder%asset_unpacker.exe" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%pak_ext%" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!" >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    ) else (
    echo Unpacking %starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%modpak_ext% >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo to %starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]! >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    call "%asset_tools_folder%asset_unpacker.exe" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%modpak_ext%" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!" >> "%log_file%" 2>&1
    echo !mods_selected[%%i]!!msg_action_unpack_done! 2>&1

    goto :start

    :end , but when I tried to pack it, it says that I don't have a mod to pack
  6. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    When spaces are involved, put the whole path/file in ""
    IHart likes this.
  7. DarkMage16

    DarkMage16 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    like this? C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\win32\asset_packer.exe" "C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow" "C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow 1\Weeping Hollow.pak"
  8. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    You have a extra space though
    C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\win32\asset_packer.exe "C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow" "C:\Users\Marijus\Desktop\Games\Starbound.v1.3.2\mods\Weeping Hollow 1\Weeping Hollow.pak"
    IHart likes this.
  9. DarkMage16

    DarkMage16 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    really? where?
  10. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Sorry I meant an extra " after asset_packer.exe
    I removed it and put the fixed version in the code block
    IHart likes this.
  11. Qbi Wan

    Qbi Wan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Can't find path. Packing is dumb here. Like for modding this game. What is wrong with ModPackHelper?!?! During packing is shows "Hey, we finished it's fine :) " but there's nothing there. Log says: can't find path".

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