REQUEST HD villagers?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Rukifellth, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Rukifellth

    Rukifellth Orbital Explorer

    Does anyone know a mod that makes the characters look non-pixelated and crisp whilst in fullscreen? I was thinking something akin to Harvest Moon DS/HM Rune Factory (4, for best art if you are looking for an example of what I'm talking about) for examples.
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      the pixelated style is how SDV works, if you do not like it then you are out of luck, because the pixelation is heavily hardcoded into everything.
      • Megumin

        Megumin Guest

        if you search around forums/nexus there's mods which makes face more "circled" and bunch of hairs/clothes etc
        and remember: this is only pixel game ^^
        • Rukifellth

          Rukifellth Orbital Explorer

          okay, that's a shame with games like this the portraits are kinda make or break for me :p IDK why they'd make it so heavily encoded, as even minecraft has 256x256 texture packs lol. Thank you guys.
          • Entoarox

            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

            Minecraft doesnt have pixelated zoom build into it, SDV does.

            You cannot compare games just cause they use pixelated textures, the way MC achieves them doesnt pixelate the whole in-game screen, SDV's version *does*
            • Minakie

              Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

              I think Ento is right. I have seen a lot of mod portraits, including some where the characters have been drawn and still, when you apply that mod to the game, the villagers become pixelated.
              • Rukifellth

                Rukifellth Orbital Explorer

                Sure you can- they both took near the same amount of effort. I think I'll just go look for a different Harvest moon. Thank you guys anyway.
                • ghomerghamer

                  ghomerghamer Void-Bound Voyager

                  since the game expects portraits to be 64x64 pixels, even creating a mod to use higher res in the portraits wont get you much. the game only renders in a low pixel rate. even in 1920x1080, the pixels are big and blocky. you cant really get around that. even with the "zoom out" mod i use in SMAPI, the portraits are still blocky because of the 64x64 limit. the game was created by 1 guy and is only a few hundred megs total, thats pretty small
                  • Minakie

                    Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                    I think your prayers were heard. Someone just released a new mod that allows for HD portraits to be used. ;)
                    • Acerbicon

                      Acerbicon Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Yeah and 95% of that size is just the audio files.
                      • FarmFan

                        FarmFan Orbital Explorer

                        Hi, just for my understanding and seeing the mod that Minakie mentioned, is it even possible to use or implement animated portraits?
                        Like changing facial expressions or animate lip movements, within the same dialogue screen or is it only achievable by multiple dialogues with different portraits?
                        • Platonymous

                          Platonymous Big Damn Hero

                          Yes, it should be possible and some of the logic is already hidden in the mod. The method as it is planned out so far is that you would name an additional spritesheet "Leah_0.png" and the mod would run the animation inside it once before resting on Leahs index 0 portrait. More dynamic stuff would be possible as well but who would actually draw all this, I think the optional rain/season/year seperation might have already been overkill. But if people are willing to draw it, I'm certainly ready to implement it.
                            ghomerghamer likes this.
                          • Coolwyngs

                            Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                            That sounds wonderful and I hope people are willing to do so.

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