Hard Mode

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Shingods, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Shingods

    Shingods Space Hobo

    is there any chance to make this game harder?

    after one year everything become too easy, i already have most upgrade, and money not a problem anymore

    some suggestion

    1. lower or increase all item selling price randomly like ( from 100 to 200)
    2. lower or increase all seed price randomly like (from 100 to 200)
    2. use more energy when raining
    3. less energy recovery from purple mushroom, cheese and other product by 50%
    4. chick to adult take 2 weeks, cow, pig, goat to adult take 1 month
    5. tree grow need 1 year
    6. lightning and gust can destroy corps
    7. villager heart can go down if you not to talk with them
    8. stronger monster ( most of us complete all mine level in in 1 year )
    9. double price and resource cost for building
    10. double resource needed for crafting
    11. Skill level up increase stamina and health, but decrease base stamina and health to half
    12. dog or cat run away if you not give him any water for weeks, and you need to pay some money to Linus for finding it
    13. it will be funny if Linus stealing your corps at night if no fence around...... you need make 5 heart with Linus to make him stop, and if you not giving him anything for weeks his heart drop and began stealing again....
    14. farm animal can die after few year
    15. double bag price, and make you only able to buy 36 slot bag after 1 year
    16. Hops harvest every 3 days
    17. if possible add hungry meter
    18. farm animal die from unknown reason? or maybe witch can steal chiken
    19. monster attack event - defend your farm from monster attack, and your dog or cat can help you
    20. add slime to sewer
    21. tree need scarecrow
    22. And many more stuff, we like more stuff....
    23. open marketplace area, where you can rent a stand to selling your product in fixed and price (if all item price change randomly like from 500 to 1000, in your stand it always sell at 1000 but you need some time to sell it)
    24. harder fishing!!
    25. villager heart can drop if you failed in their quest
    26. more Event
    27. More mystery like mayor pants
    28. change Krobus to man eating monster....., after i can enter the sewer its just.....
    29. More Chest and each have bigger space

    you can make this as DLC or Stardew Valley 2, please don't drop this game, we don't need better visual, we need more stuff :D

    and sorry for my English, its not my native language
      amyhistoria likes this.
    • Caudyr

      Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

      I'm against almost all of this, honestly...

      I like how you say "harder fishing" when so many people say fishing is WAY TOO HARD and install the "easier fishing" mod to make it far more reasonable in difficulty.

      #6...lightning can already do this. I don't want wind to do it as well. I'd honestly just stop playing the game, considering how many windy days I've encountered. As for lightning, I'm already hoping that CA puts it in so that the lightning rods actually PROTECT a radius from damage from lightning strikes...so I don't want him to make it WORSE.

      #11 - I'm for skill increases giving more stamina/health...but NOT for cutting the base stamina/health in half. You already have very little when you start out with, there's NO need to make it worse, imo.

      The only ones I'm actually for, tbh, are #19 (cause yay more events), 20 (cause the sewers are indeed bare, and having slimes in there isn't that bad of an idea), 22, 26, 27, 29
        Tamorr likes this.
      • Corraidhín

        Corraidhín Supernova

        If you want to play a game with that kind of difficulty, I heard Dont Starve has that and more! except bachelorettes...

        Btw, wouldnt it be strange to have a nice, relaxing farming game come with "difficulties"? I am sure a lot of the SV players only want a different, nice little game that doesnt require them to be pm edge 24/7

        edit: far as I know, CA stated he doesnt want to make SV2, but rather work on different ideas hes cooked up.
        • Tamorr

          Tamorr Supernova

          I already don't like most of those ideas. Then again I don't understand having a hard mode in this style of game; that may be just me though. Some of the ideas I did like, and would be pretty much the same listing as @Caudyr has above. I like additions to the game, and if ever a difficulty added I wouldn't mind; most likely just stick to normal mode though since that is what I am use to.

          #7 is already there. Heart decay is slow, but it is there.

          Think the others mentioned the rest...
          • Silverbane7

            Silverbane7 Pangalactic Porcupine

            what about offering a 'new game+' mode that offers difficulty settings?
            finish the game (ether by finishing the community center, or finishing the jojamart services) and then select 'new game+ mode' on the load screen.
            could allow you to keep the character (so you dont have to customise again) but nothing else.
            and then you can choose rename farm, rename character, choose another fave things instead and then, choose difficulty.
            set them to spring (easy) summer (current difficulty) fall (harder) and Winter (permadeath in the mines)

            that would let everyone have a setting i think
              ChaosAzeroth likes this.
            • RamenYum

              RamenYum Void-Bound Voyager

              I just finished creating a mod for this!

              It is a simple but effective mod that makes the game much more challenging and for far longer.

              Its just called "Hard Mode" on Nexus Mods. Enjoy!

              • nash579

                nash579 Astral Cartographer

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