Modding Help Graphical error on goat sprite edit

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Crucifigo, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. Crucifigo

    Crucifigo Title Not Found

    What the title says. I made a goat sprite edit to make them brown and fluffier, and it turned out great. The only problem is the rear-facing 2nd part of the crouch/bouncing animation shows this odd line and I can't find the cause.


    I've attached the sprite sheet for the goat, does anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it? I don't know if the baby goat is affected but I'm adding that too just in case.

    Goat.png BabyGoat.png

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
    • Kamirose

      Kamirose Big Damn Hero

      Oh, I already modded that out for myself before, just haven't released it. The problem is that one of the sprites is shifted over by one pixel so it overlaps in the tile. It's like that in the original too.

      Here's a pic:
      • Crucifigo

        Crucifigo Title Not Found

        Oh, that's annoying. I thought it was the same length as their snout but at the same time they're not that close together. Guess I'll shift it over a pixel and try again, thanks!

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