Game think it's still running--can't start up

Discussion in 'W:R General Discussion' started by gruevy, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. gruevy

    gruevy Void-Bound Voyager

    Steam is telling me that W:R is still running, but I can't see any processes that look like they might be the culprit. This is the second time that's happened, and last time, I had to reboot to play again.

    The only thing I can think of that might be responsible is that I started the game with the controller, realized that I hate playing this with a controller, yanked it out, realized that the game is retarded and doesn't switch to keyboard 'n mouse mode, closed it down via the regular exit prompts, and tried to restart. IIRC, that's what happened last time.
    • gruevy

      gruevy Void-Bound Voyager

      After waiting 20 minutes and trying again, I can open the game again. No idea what that was all about. Might be my end, but it does indeed look like a bug :)
      • If it does it again, try opening the task manager then exit out of the process.
        • Leth

          Leth Risk of Rain & Wanderlust

          Yes that's a bug in the new version. You just have to wait for Steam to figure out that it isn't running anymore.

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