Modding Help Game Crash

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by biroman, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

  2. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    right now testing it, checking file for finding the bug
  3. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

  4. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    well right now i make the gun, fire it... crash, on and you need edit image something better that pain... have it make transparency to default white... so now your gun got a good white box around it
  5. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    ohh yeah i already fixed that
  6. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    okie it working now, do you want i fix the white box around you gun?
    there was 2 error you make

    1- you gun file was need power and speed

    2- then wrong path for muzzle flash
  7. Black--snow

    Black--snow Cosmic Narwhal

    If the clicking on the recipe crashed it, it's most likely because you have the recipe file in the wrong location. (Which you do) :p

    Edit: Nevemind, it appears the game doesn't give a flavoured pickle where the file is.
  8. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    Ohh i got it to work i can craft it and shoot it.
  9. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    good wa a pleasure to help you, and sry for delay has first time playing around gun files

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