Friendship Bracelets

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by cwiwci, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. cwiwci

    cwiwci Aquatic Astronaut

    I think it would be super cool if once we get to 8 hearts with a character, we could choose to either give them a bouquet OR a friendship bracelet to become 'best friends'. And maybe there could be a 10 heart friendship event!
    And maybe they could ask you to hang out sometimes! How cool would it be if Seb left you a letter in the mail asking if you wanted to hang out with him and play a game on the weekend, or if Willy asked you to go fishing with him once in a while, or if Leah wants to have a painting session! I think it sounds like so much fun!

    • cwiwci

      cwiwci Aquatic Astronaut

      Oh, and one more thought...
      If you don't want to get married, you could ask your best friend to be your roommate and your house could upgrade accordingly!
      But of course, you could always kick them out later if you decide you find Mr. or Ms. Right!
      • jafred2015

        jafred2015 Void-Bound Voyager

        I think a bit of a hurdle would be the 10-heart events, they're all romantically inclined. There would likely have to be new events made for if you chose friendship over romance.

        Otherwise, I do like the idea.

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