RELEASED FarmHouseExtended (Updated 25/4) (Exploding Machines Fixed)(Interior Only)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by QuantumConcious, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Superior_s

    Superior_s Sandwich Man

    I'm not exactly sure how tIDE works which is what would be used to do this, but yes you could add more rooms on another floor in the same way that making this basement is done.
    • BoffoBoy

      BoffoBoy Existential Complex

      Basic issue with adding in more rooms to the house is that it will royally mess with wall paper/floors in existing rooms/corridors and will make others completely unable to wall paper/floor without. I assume, api support. I would gather that simple save game monkeying would not fix the issue about wall paper in extra rooms but other than the top floor of second upgrade having effed up ordering (left to right room room corridor) the bottom floor is room room corridor room like a sane person would expect. I might try that actually once I get final house form.

      as for alien tiles, in tIDE you can add tileset dependencies to a map to import anything in tilesets, even perhaps custom sets - I have zero artistic skill so I'll leave that others.

      I just want to banish the crib and kid beds into the nether, never having kids.

      Very nice mod btw, mass people been wanting this for as long a time as the game has been released.
        taintedwheat and Superior_s like this.
      • InquisitiveSoul

        InquisitiveSoul Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        The mod itself is extremely nice and it was absolutely a breath of fresh air to have a LOT more space than I did prior. But I am running 1.06 and there seems to be a couple niggling little issues such as the stairs leading down under the farmhouse aren't showing up and while I can travel to a few places from the farmhouse, I can't get back to the farmhouse.

        Voidstairs.jpg Missing stops.jpg

          Attached Files:

          mttakspy likes this.
        • taintedwheat

          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

          lol, may banish the two kids i have in game if someone could get rid of that. ;___; i just want to decorate everything, but there isn't any room ahhh
          • dsrules

            dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Have you tried changing your flooring? Also, I don't know how possible it is to change the Minecart destinations, so adding a destination back would have to be something like a "door" Warp on something next to the Minecart. I might add that for myself, actually.
            • darkvergus

              darkvergus Void-Bound Voyager

              no only the stairs but also look at how the wallpaper ended
              • BoffoBoy

                BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                you can make the rooms bigger(longer) but the bed needs to stay in the same place and prolly the kitchen too.
                  Superior_s likes this.
                • taintedwheat

                  taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                  I mean, i get get down with that - open floor plans are hip these days (':
                  • InquisitiveSoul

                    InquisitiveSoul Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Oh wow.. I didn't even notice that my walls were binked. At any rate, changing the flooring does nothing to repair the issue of the voidstairs. So I'm just going to have to get used to that I guess.
                    • BoffoBoy

                      BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                      I'll work on it later, just need to see to a few other annoying things not, to mention get married so I can see the final form of the house.
                        Superior_s and taintedwheat like this.
                      • Haebaragi

                        Haebaragi Weight of the Sky

                        *slams download*

                        I love more room for stuff.

                        Therefore I also love you, OP.
                        • taintedwheat

                          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                          A couple of weeks ago I got hella sick and I needed to go to school for a history exam, instead of drinking dayquill, i drank so much nyquill (and I take my college courses back to back, omg test was third class of the day) x.x
                          • BoffoBoy

                            BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                            Only the Nyquil for me.
                              taintedwheat likes this.
                            • dsrules

                              dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut


                                Attached Files:

                                • bed.png
                                  File size:
                                  205.8 KB
                                BoffoBoy and taintedwheat like this.
                              • taintedwheat

                                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                nice, is that the biggest upgrade? that's such an awk place for a bed haha
                                • QuantumConcious

                                  QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                  I don't believe so as i had stated in that any mod that alters the state of the house other then mine will also alter mine thus removing the entrance to the basement and basement entitely. Untill we can find a way to have multiple mods that work together and add stuff via code and not just xnb. I have no C++ code knowledge.
                                  • BoffoBoy

                                    BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                    oh you can move the bed? I was informed incorrectly. And yeah, not the first place I'd put my bed.
                                    • dsrules

                                      dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      Just testing my method of moving objects in the Farm House without disturbing the whole Wallpaper/Flooring problem.
                                      • QuantumConcious

                                        QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                        The reason for the long hallway is to avoid your stuff being stuck inside a wall or moved to aother room upon the next upgrade as the whole house will move right and down 6 tiles from the first house to the kitchen upgrade, and there is code relating to the furniture yuo start with and the wakeup spawn as well as the spouse room furnature and babyroom furnature and npc stuff that is fixed and bound in code i can not access. So to avoid thos making things apear in arrears i don't want i had to make the house and baseement like this.
                                          Superior_s likes this.
                                        • taintedwheat

                                          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                          well, seems like its working, I can't wait till how this comes together :3 (also, do you know where to find the fireplace that is used in teh upgrade? its not the one under farmhouse_tiles)

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