RELEASED FarmAutomation.ItemCollector (Unofficial v1.1)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by maddy99, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. maddy99

    maddy99 Big Damn Hero

    To be honest, sheds appear to be wonky. And buildings in general in a lot of cases, this includes the house. As far as adding to a list, the mod searches all buildings on a farm, so you won't have to add it to a list.

    Edit: By any chance, are you guys using mods that alter the greenhouse, shed, or the farm house?
      Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
    • Felicity_Bane

      Felicity_Bane Void-Bound Voyager

      I am using mods for the greenhouse and shed. The farmhouse works fine for me. I just rolled back to your 2.5.2 and all works again. I think it's something about the update, but I'm not sure which one because this was the first time I tried a version higher than 2.5.2.
        Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
      • Yuanqing

        Yuanqing Space Hobo

        I'm not using any mods that alters Greenhouse, Shed or Farm House
        • kaizer777

          kaizer777 Void-Bound Voyager

          Same here. I'm not using any mods (that directly affect buildings) and I can't seem to get automation to work in the shed. The console seems to go back and forth between showing 0 machines found to the actual # of machines in the shed, but automation doesn't occur in either scenario for me. I've had no problems outside, in the other pre-update buildings, nor in the basement.
          • sinnoaria

            sinnoaria What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

            It is working fine on 2.5.5 for me.

            I wish you could change things in-game, but that would be a lot of extra work.
            • maddy99

              maddy99 Big Damn Hero

              I'm thinking of a way to integrate a menu, but I don't know how in-depth it could be. We'll see!
              • maddy99

                maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                Well, update on this, I believe I finally found the issue. I made a tiny oversight when updating for the new configuration that basically turned a chest into a complete machine instead of just an inventory, which meant that it'd end up acting as a connector and just try to pass along to another chest instead. New version going up now with fix~
                • sinnoaria

                  sinnoaria What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

                  Ok, this probably isn't important to anyone but me, but when the mod collects from say a crab pot, it doesn't count towards your collections, but if you collect it manually, it does.

                  I assume that this was something that was ignored due to it being a rather specific scenario.
                  • Thvar

                    Thvar Void-Bound Voyager

                    Doesn't give fishing exp either :(, but I suspect this would be a rather difficult change.
                    • charlottenoyen

                      charlottenoyen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      I just installed and now the mod doesn't work at all. SMAPI is throwing up a whole lot of error text.
                      • Avarice0107

                        Avarice0107 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Confirming this; Kegs sitting in front of Farmhouse are uncollected.

                          Attached Files:

                        • maddy99

                          maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                          Well, you found my debugging code, lol. Thought I'd got it all, but removed and updated, sorry!
                          • maddy99

                            maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                            I'm not 100% sure either are these are realistically possible. I've gotta tinker with the collections stuff to see how it works. Regarding fishing xp, I don't think there's any way for me to grab what xp they're worth. We'll see though.
                            • charlottenoyen

                              charlottenoyen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              I'm still getting errors even with the fix...
                              • sinnoaria

                                sinnoaria What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

                                Well, there are actual values for it, but I suspect that it would be quite a bit of work since it would be a change of how the mod works. Essentially, the mod doesn't actually 'collect' the items, but instead moves/copies the items. Stats are based on the actual act of 'collecting'.

                                So in order to fix it so it gives exp/stats, you'd either have to make it so that the mod 'collects' the item in your name or adjusts the stats accordingly.
                                • maddy99

                                  maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                                  What is the error in the log?
                                  • charlottenoyen

                                    charlottenoyen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    [01:08:41.183 AM] [ERROR] an error occured with the automation mod: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
                                    Parameter name: source
                                    at System.Linq.Enumerable.Where[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
                                    at FarmAutomation.ItemCollector.Processors.MachineHelper.ProcessMachine(Object machine, Chest connectedChest, MaterialHelper materialHelper, MachineConfig machineConfig)
                                    at FarmAutomation.ItemCollector.Processors.MachinesProcessor.ProcessMachines()
                                    at FarmAutomation.ItemCollector.ItemCollectorMod.<Entry>b__6_4(Object s, EventArgsIntChanged e)

                                      Attached Files:

                                    • Avarice0107

                                      Avarice0107 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      [01:09:29.806 AM] [ERROR] an error occured with the automation mod: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
                                      Parameter name: source
                                      at System.Linq.Enumerable.Where[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
                                      at FarmAutomation.ItemCollector.Processors.MachineHelper.ProcessMachine(Object machine, Chest connectedChest, MaterialHelper materialHelper, MachineConfig machineConfig)
                                      at FarmAutomation.ItemCollector.Processors.MachinesProcessor.ProcessMachines()
                                      at FarmAutomation.ItemCollector.ItemCollectorMod.<Entry>b__6_4(Object s, EventArgsIntChanged e)

                                      Full SMAPI log below

                                        Attached Files:

                                      • maddy99

                                        maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                                        If you can give this one a run to see if it fixes the issue, I'd appreciate it~ I'll update the first post if it does the trick.

                                          Attached Files:

                                        • charlottenoyen

                                          charlottenoyen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                          I'm getting the same error with that version.

                                            Attached Files:

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