Energy for your settlements

Discussion in 'Other' started by FenixR, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. FenixR

    FenixR Cosmic Narwhal

    (first thread here we go)

    I had this idea to make multiplayer more interesting (Singleplayer too if you like the stuff), before i say anything it should be noted that this should be optional, so if singleplayers or server admins dont like the stuff they can disable it:

    The concept is simple, when you make a settlement for exploring a planet or if you decided to make it your home planet, you also would need to secure a way to generate energy to keep you stuff properly powered (Like Sentry guns, labs, lights, w/e the devs decide to introduce in the game). This doesnt only add another task you need to do when you land on a planet, but in the case of multiplayer games a primary objective for people planning a invasion, imagine a covert team trying to locate the generators without being detected to make the assault team job more easy.

    Of course not only generators should be added, but battery boxes or something similar that would act as a emergency energy source, since the generators are down they only delay the blackout/invasion a little (Either for reinforcements to arrive or so you can flee), of course the more machines connected the more fast these batboxes depletes making you unable to use every sentry gun or the big guns you named it (In case something more advanced that sentry guns gets added :p)

    Some possible energy sources would vary depending on the planet for example:

    You cant find lava pools in frozen planets for geothermal generators, but you could use combustion generators or solar/wind/water depending of the conditions. Or you cant use wind/solar on a planet ridden with Acid Rain, but you could find lava for those geothermal gens and so on.

    Ask away and i will try to clarify my idea a little that way :p
  2. wsensor

    wsensor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I would love to see this.
    The battery for energy storage would be great.
    That way if you use solar energy than the extra energy would get put into the battery(s) for use at night.
    They could have different energy sources available
    IE: Cool/Wood/Trash burning for low developed planets this would cause pollution however.
  3. tps_SurvivoR

    tps_SurvivoR Master Chief

    This would make the game more intense IF we run out of energy and would have to find some way to get more!
    but it would be awesome and more realistic, i loved your idea :geek:
  4. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    Wind, Water, Solar power could be great sustainable power sources, even heat, from the planet core. The output of these would of course vary, depending in the statistics of the planet. Closer to its sun/amount of suns would give better efficiency though being hotter. Orbiting moons would effect the water tides, making Water power better and somewhat unstable planets would have a lot of wind, even more so in areas with low vegetation, no trees and such to stop the wind. And of course, thermal generators being placed underground near the planet core for power from heat, if the planet has an active core, that is.
  5. Shozonu

    Shozonu Void-Bound Voyager

    Maybe have the highest tier energy generator generate energy by being integrated into the planet's core somehow.
    People would then be able to go one of two paths:
    Either put in more effort to sustain the planet's core to have constant energy without damaging the planet,
    Or sap the core for energy, store it in 9V batteries, and export it to your other planets, leaving the planet dead or in some cases having it blow up.

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