RELEASED Enchanted Extended Hilltop

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Zalkyria, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Zalkyria

    Zalkyria Existential Complex

    So I love the aspect of the Hilltop map. I found two really talented people on here, @Rosalie made a beautiful Enchanted Hilltop, which made it look very pretty. Then there is @SKKN who made an extended map of Hilltop so that you could have more room to work with and built on. I loved both maps so much that I decided to combine the two together. I was given permission to upload them here after showing the creators what I did!

    • Extended only nothing.png
    • River Addition River.png
    • Lake Addition Lake.png
    This is literally only a combination of two maps. I will only be uploading the map not the required files you will need with them. I want people to visit the original mods and get them from it.

    For the mod to work you will need summer_town.xnb which you will be able to get from @Rosalie's amazing Enchanted Hilltop! ->

    Another one will be the bustop.xnb which you will have to get from @SKKN's Extended Hilltop map! ->

    I also loved the concept of @tiffy961's Forest Farm Map, where the river runs into a lake. So I added that as one of the maps as well.

    But if you guys don't really like the combination of my maps, please go to the ones to the link I provided. Their maps are worth it! I would also like to thank @FieryChaos for helping me fix the bugs on this map.

    Credit to @SKKN, @Rosalie, and @tiffy961

      Attached Files:

      Ardalis, eemie, SKKN and 1 other person like this.
    • Zalkyria

      Zalkyria Existential Complex

      So I took down the download because I realized that none of the farm is tillable. So need to figure out how to do that.
      • SKKN

        SKKN Big Damn Hero

        You have the change the properties of the grass tiles to "dirt" and make it farm able.
          Zalkyria likes this.
        • Zalkyria

          Zalkyria Existential Complex

          Okay it works! Thank you so much :DDD
          • BrigadierSpecific

            BrigadierSpecific Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            I'm encountering a bug, and I'm not sure which component is causing it. When attempting to place trees (i.e. maple seeds, pine cones, etc.) the game returns an 'invalid location' error' anywhere covered in grass.

            Is there any chance the grass is till-able but not plant-able, tree-wise? It's not a huge problem at the moment, but it could quite easily become so if this also applies to fruit trees.

            EDIT: After loading another save, further along, it apparently doesn't effect fruit trees, but placement of pine/maple/oak trees seems to be restricted to non-tillable land (edges of river, darker areas near cliffs, etc.)
              Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
            • Zalkyria

              Zalkyria Existential Complex

              okay I just edited the file, going to test it out now. I added Plantable. and Also put NoSpawn on False. Let's see if that will fix the problem.
              • BrigadierSpecific

                BrigadierSpecific Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Thank you so much! I know it's not a huge issue, and I really appreciate you dealing with it so quickly. ^w^
                This map is everything I want out of a farm, it's beautiful and functional and I'm so glad you uploaded it!
                  Zalkyria likes this.
                • Zalkyria

                  Zalkyria Existential Complex

                  Sorry I took so long! I got very distracted :rofl:; but I tested it out personally and it looks like acorn trees can be planted no problem there! Also I am glad you really love the map :) I wanted a combination of two maps that I liked and I am so glad that I was able to share with people :)

                  Edit: Updated xnb files are up :)
                  • retniwreven

                    retniwreven Void-Bound Voyager

                    I noticed a small problem with the extended right half of the maps. On the river version of it, you can't actually cross the bridge (it acts non-walkable), and on the lake version of it, you can't walk over the ground where the river used to be(the grass acts like a solid wall on the parts where the river WOULD be).

                    Also on that note there's a bit of graphical mess with the trees on the very right side, on the river version.
                      Zalkyria likes this.
                    • Zalkyria

                      Zalkyria Existential Complex

                      Thank you so much! I will look into this!
                      • Zalkyria

                        Zalkyria Existential Complex

                        Okay I updated the river and lake maps! I hope I fixed the issue thank you so much for reporting it!
                        The issue was the invisible blocks thing.
                        • retniwreven

                          retniwreven Void-Bound Voyager

                          Looks like you got most of them! There's a few left on the upper left side of the lake, and one right against the wall, but it's far better than it was before and you can run around the place now, unlike before. Going to test out the river one too.

                          River version's all good. No problems to speak of. Least not that I noticed. Bridge works and no invisible tiles that I've run into.
                            Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
                            Zalkyria likes this.
                          • Zalkyria

                            Zalkyria Existential Complex

                            Awesome I will try to make sure I can find that one you speak of. If you can, please send a me a screenshot so I know the exact spot :) This is my first tile project so when you mentioned that I figured it was the invisible block issue like i had on the bridges when I first was working on this.
                            • retniwreven

                              retniwreven Void-Bound Voyager

                              I dug around the non-working tiles with a hoe. If you try to walk over or do anything to those, they act like a barrier.

                                Attached Files:

                                Zalkyria likes this.
                              • Zalkyria

                                Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                Okay thank you! Yeah I was afraid I miss some on the lake because it does tend to lag when I check each tile. I will fix that right away.
                                • Zalkyria

                                  Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                  Okay I think I got what you showed me in the screenshot~!

                                  Edit: Also fixed a spot on the extended only map where there was no grass underneath the cliff.
                                    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
                                  • Zalkyria

                                    Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                    Updated the files! Mainly the extended only map, there was some invisible blocks there.
                                    • Zalkyria

                                      Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                      Updated the map again! I think I got all the invisible blocks and I found trace of the river left behind that i deleted. So please redownload that.
                                      • Kiddles

                                        Kiddles Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I have made this my choice map to play on, given the space and the look of it. Thanks for providing this!

                                        That said, I did notice that on the 'Extended Only' version, a large portion of the land on the southwest side is untillable. I'm not sure if this was intended, but if not, a fix would be great!
                                          Zalkyria likes this.
                                        • Zalkyria

                                          Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                          Oooh okay, thank you for letting me know I will check and see if I can fix that. Can you provide me a screenshot showing me?

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