Modding Help Elevator Displacement Problem/Solution

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Ethereal Tundra, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. Ethereal Tundra

    Ethereal Tundra Master Chief

    I place my elevator and it's displaced by a HALF of a block. The files work in whole blocks. I have no idea how this is possible or how to fix this.

    When attempting to place the elevator in its correct spaces, game says no:


    When attempting to place the elevator a block over, game says yes:


    Upon placing the elevator, it will shift half a block over:



    Found the issue. The stand position was adjusted by [-0.5, 0] in the .animation file. I'm editing the title of this post and hopefully someone will find this post helpful if they run into the same issue and it won't take them several hours to find and fix it like it did me :p

    So yeah, when making an elevator, bear in mind that the following will ALL effect the correct alignment of the elevator, its platform, and its placement when placing it:

    The .animation file, lines:
     "parts" : {
          "base" : {
            "properties" : {
              "offset" : [-2, 0],
              "centered" : false,
              "image" : "<partImage>"
    "offset" will effect the placement of the elevator base.

    The .object file, lines:
          "imagePosition" : [-16, 0],
    This will determine where the preview is displayed in respect to where the elevator base will be placed

          "platformStart" : [0.5, 8.75],
          "platformEnd" : [0.5, 0.5],
    This will determine where the platform will be in x, y positions as it travels across the center of the elevator.

    My now-working elevator (after spending hours tweaking these values):

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  2. Ethereal Tundra

    Ethereal Tundra Master Chief

    OP edited because I solved the issue myself. Title edited to display this as well and help others looking for a solution to the same thing

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