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Does Starbound need Elevators?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by xan713, Aug 25, 2015.


Elevators (in technologically advanced areas) in Starbound - Do you agree?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Unsure

  1. xan713

    xan713 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've always wondered if (In advanced settlements, and the Outpost) that there could/should be Elevators (Where suitable). Would anyone else agree?

    Is there a way to make one that works? For all I know it could already be in the game or as a mod by someone, but it would be helpful with moving around NPCs in multi story buildings as an alternative to staircases and stacked platforms, and we could design our own buildings a little better in mind with sections for elevator shafts too.

    I've always tried to design multi storied buildings in the game with NPC traffic in mind, and tried to divert them away from my personal areas - But it's not always fool proof.

    Just in case Elevators don't exist, I've also created a suggestion in the suggestions forum which covers this in it (amongst a few other advanced technologies/items), via an NPC similar to the Frogg Furniture NPC: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/galactic-engineer-craftsman-vendor.99903/

    But regardless of the link above to a suggestion, what do you all think?
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  2. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    A type of moving platform at least would be nice.
    Mackinz likes this.
  3. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm a fan of both horizontal and vertical, moving platforms!
  4. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    One that moves vertically, perhaps. We kinda having a moving platform already - Dirt trapdoors and whatnot.
  5. xan713

    xan713 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But yeah, this sort of thing has been on my mind for a while, and I wondered if it was possible at all.. I wonder if anyone knows how to or not.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
    RatixFarrence likes this.
  6. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    <MackBed> metadept, quick. Opinion on elevators?
    <metadept> i'm for 'em
    That's one dev down.
    Crystan, Milhafre, Lintton and 3 others like this.
  7. daniskarma

    daniskarma Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    We can build space outpost and shits that travel faster than light. But we have to jump some platforms in order to get to the second floor.

    Elevators will be the best... But at least moving platforms will be very useful.
  8. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    Right now skyrail are the closest thing there is, but are only accessible to a certain level of players technically speaking if I recall. Something like elevators proper might help providing a more accessible item.

    Maybe something like a sort of special bench item able to move over a particular linear rail when activated.
  9. shimonu

    shimonu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There is mod that add gravity lift.
    Also making one should be possible when we will get normal vehicles.
  10. Peelz

    Peelz Giant Laser Beams

    It has been stated multiple times in dev streams that they want to make elevators a thing. I believe this will be possible when they have finished implementing vehicles.
  11. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    I won't lie, more standardized vehicles are something I am really looking forward to. It would be great if you could even customize them in the same way you can equip automated turrets with your own guns.
    So yeah, it'd be awesome if vehicles got such that you could outfit them with custom "mech armor" and weapons you found or crafted yourself.

    Also, pretty great to hear they -do- want to implement elevators proper!
  12. mow123

    mow123 Aquatic Astronaut

    You could make some fun dungeons with moving plats like that. Really we just need moving platforms not really elevators but moving platforms are elevators so yeah... maybe moving blocks too but that would be hard to put in I think.
    Ludovic likes this.
  13. xan713

    xan713 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Moving platforms in dungeons would make for some interesting platforming mechanics, whether that would be for jumping over dangers (Timing so you don't die), or opening and closing a floodgate which is flooding the dungeon (risk of drowning unless turned off), or if puzzle blocks needed pushing/transporting for various dungeon reasons. Many ideas.

    On a good note, Tinyuri did confirm in the reddit AMA that he is looking into vehicles (Elevators is included in what he said).
  14. Nightmaster

    Nightmaster Pangalactic Porcupine

    An sugestion of mine: Get the skyrail mechanics and apply that to a object that you could stand over. Now add an activation code for "on" and "off" (wiring) and parameters for stoping at a given point (floors) or after a given space is traveled (more easy I guess).

    That way you could (in theory) create elevators and moving platforms.

    Also remember that elevators (at least modern ones) would need rails to move around and it would be more easy to code than creating moving animations for ropes and chains.

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