Modding Help Customizing Alt Ability Help... Plz

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by MetaFace, Nov 4, 2016.

  1. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    So I need help with my mod, I want to add the physical shock wave from the hammers to the third "fire" in the broadsword combo ability and the weapon's animation file. So far everything I've tried hasn't done anything (not even break the game). Any help?

    "animationParts" : { },
    "animationCustom" : {
    "sounds" : {
    "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword.ogg" ],
    "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword.ogg" ],
    "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear.ogg" ]

    "ability" : {
    "name" : "Heavy Combo Slash",
    "type" : "greatslashcombo",
    "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleecombo.lua"],
    "class" : "MeleeCombo",

    "comboSteps" : 3,

    "flashTime" : 0.15,
    "flashDirectives" : "fade=FFFFFFFF=0.15",

    "swooshOffsetRegions" : [
    [0.75, 0.0, 4.25, 5.0],
    [3.0, -0.5, 6.5, 2.0],
    [1.5, -1.0, 5.5, 1.0]

    // cooldown time multiplier for steps after the first, compounded per combo step
    "comboSpeedFactor" : 0.9,

    "edgeTriggerGrace" : 0.25,

    "fireTime" : 0.8,
    "baseDps" : 25.0,

    "damageConfig" : {
    "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword",
    "statusEffects" : [ ],
    "knockbackMode" : "facing",
    "timeout" : 0.5
    "stepDamageConfig" : [
    "baseDamageFactor" : 1.0,
    "knockback" : 35
    "baseDamageFactor" : 0.5,
    "knockback" : 30
    "baseDamageFactor" : 1.0,
    "knockback" : 65

    "stances" : {
    "windup1" : {
    "duration" : 0.1,
    "armRotation" : 90,
    "weaponRotation" : -10,
    "twoHanded" : true,

    "allowRotate" : false,
    "allowFlip" : true
    "preslash1" : {
    "duration" : 0.025,
    "armRotation" : 55,
    "weaponRotation" : -45,
    "twoHanded" : true,

    "allowRotate" : false,
    "allowFlip" : false
    "fire1" : {
    "duration" : 0.15,
    "armRotation" : -45,
    "weaponRotation" : -55,
    "twoHanded" : true,

    "allowRotate" : false,
    "allowFlip" : false
    "wait1" : {
    "duration" : 0.2,
    "armRotation" : -45,
    "weaponRotation" : -55,
    "allowRotate" : false,
    "allowFlip" : true,
    "twoHanded" : true
    "windup2" : {
    "duration" : 0.15,
    "armRotation" : -15,
    "weaponRotation" : -60,
    "weaponOffset" : [0, 0],
    "twoHanded" : true,
    "allowFlip" : true,
    "allowRotate" : false
    "fire2" : {
    "duration" : 0.2,
    "armRotation" : -150,
    "weaponRotation" : 55,
    "weaponOffset" : [0, 0],
    "twoHanded" : true,
    "allowFlip" : true,
    "allowRotate" : false
    "wait2" : {
    "duration" : 0.2,
    "armRotation" : -150,
    "weaponRotation" : 55,
    "weaponOffset" : [0, 0],
    "allowRotate" : false,
    "allowFlip" : true,
    "twoHanded" : true
    "windup3" : {
    "duration" : 0.15,
    "armRotation" : -150,
    "weaponRotation" : 55,
    "twoHanded" : true,

    "allowRotate" : false,
    "allowFlip" : true
    "fire3" : {
    "duration" : 0.3,
    "armRotation" : 0,
    "weaponRotation" : -90,
    "twoHanded" : true,

    "allowRotate" : false,
    "allowFlip" : true

    Help is appreciated, at this point I need someone who's done this before...
  2. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    Well I'm actually back, I was idle for awhile. I tried thinking about it, but still no progress. Any ideas?
  3. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    By physical shockwave do you mean the glowing "wave" (actually called "swoosh") that appears when a sword is waved at some (potentially innocent) thing's face, which is actually a projectile, so that it can deal damage?

    or do you want it to be a special effect like the smoke that comes out of a grenade launcher when obliterating the body of a (potentially friendly or innocent) target, which is a particle ( particles cannot deal damage to anything)?

    In the case of a projectile dealing damage, you will need to edit/create a new ability and modify the lua script to also shoot the extra projectile using a copy of the already included world.spawnProjectile and if you really want to go nuts with customisation,add an element to your ability or active item file and use config.getParameter("addedElementName") to get it.

    In the case of the particle, look at the grenade launcher animation file, you should find something useful there.
  4. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    No, not a projectile. I'm talking about the hammer alt ability where you slam the weapon on the ground and a shock wave goes in both directions. I've been trying to get that on my sword as the third hit in the combo. Thanks for the reply.
  5. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    O converting these into a finisher, @PureDrake might know how, he converted some for his neko sword.
  6. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    Sent puredrake a message, hopefully will be willing to help. Thanks for not just giving me super low level answers like most people do (if you're me you get annoyed really fast when people keep telling you to check the log even if you told them you did). To tell the truth, I'm surprised how little help I get, but I can't force people to give me answers. I'm rambling, again.
  7. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    The fact that I've been modding this game for about 2 year kinda helps, I've seen or touched about 90% of the game's assets.

    Though posting your log with your questions is often a good way to stop these things from happening.
  8. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    I don't know, I think I just mostly have issues with .animation files, I don't know how they work very well.
  9. PureDrake

    PureDrake Void-Bound Voyager

    Anywhere else I could contact you for some more info?
    I'll help when I can I've just been kind of busy...
  10. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    ... has anyone ever told you that you should never, o great f*ing never share your personal email on a forum or any open messaging website... Just edit your message and send that via a conversation, your going to end up safer that way.
  11. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    I'm probably going to have to skip over this for now and continue making all the other items in my mod, including textures, thanks for help, if you figure this out I still need the help with it. Buh-Bye for now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2016

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