Modding Help creating a tech that can target others (helpful not harmful) and a general mod question

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Ellary, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This *might* be possible with lua scripting, I'm still new to lua but it could theoretically be possible with a pulse check that looks for another player in a radius, checks if it's a valid target, and then does a heal.
  2. lonesurvivor

    lonesurvivor Big Damn Hero

    I don't think that is possible at the moment because there is no way to access the players entity objects with scripting. And if there was a way, there is no possibility to change the health of the entity manually as far as i know.
  3. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    How is this not possible? I am sure getting playerId works fine. As this example:

    world.playerQuery({position}, range) and world.entityPosition but I might be wrong.
  4. Symmasolan

    Symmasolan Big Damn Hero

    To be honest, I only put about a half hour in to it. I'm not all too great at LUA scripting. More in to C++ and java based systems myself. Got enough general knowledge to be adept enough to be a modder though! :DD
  5. sarcose

    sarcose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not to diminish your quest or anything but leaving the knockback in could be hilarious as a drawback. Include a joke about it in the item description.
  6. Ellary

    Ellary Pangalactic Porcupine

    well see I am not the joke type, there are already enough silly items in the game. I am working on this for a roleplay setting. For those who want to be a healer...I also have no idea what lua scripting is...totally new to this script stuff o.o
  7. lonesurvivor

    lonesurvivor Big Damn Hero

    Yeah I know this. But then you have the playerID and the position. And with it you can do exactly nothing atm (except checking if there is a player). Because there is no way to actually get the player object to manipulate it. I found a way around that for npcs and monsters and the callScript argument to the query function, but this will not work with players as they don't have a general script running where you can define callable functions.
  8. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Right, that kind of sucks though. I hope we get a way later on.
  9. Ellary

    Ellary Pangalactic Porcupine

    Let us hope they add a way~ I would be extremely thankful personally. I plan on making Starbound my prime focus as it has a lil bit of everything I like to do in it.
  10. SuperMandrew

    SuperMandrew Cosmic Narwhal

    Out of curiosity... does the amount of healing done correlate to the amount of knockback?

    I've noticed that when I shoot an enemy and hit them for 1 damage, no knockback happens, but if I hit them for 50, they're sent very far back.
  11. Ellary

    Ellary Pangalactic Porcupine

    SuperMandrew!!!! I changed the healing down to 15 which is what I was going to make it for Roleplay healing. I don't have a friend online yet to test it..but so far! it did not push enemies away!
    SuperMandrew likes this.
  12. SuperMandrew

    SuperMandrew Cosmic Narwhal

    Is your healing value (15) hard-coded? Or is it depending on the level of the monster?
  13. Ellary

    Ellary Pangalactic Porcupine

    "projectileName" : "healingstatusprojectile",
    "physics" : "grenade",
    "bounces" : -1,
    "level" : 3,
    "timeToLive" : 0.004,
    "damageKindImage" : "icon.png",
    "frames" : "healingstatusprojectile.png",
    "animationCycle" : 0.5,
    "frameNumber" : 4,

    "power" : 0,
    "piercing" : true,
    "damageKind" : "default",
    "damageType" : "ignoresdef",
    "damagePoly" : [ [-36, 0], [-24, -24], [0, -36], [24, -24], [36, 0], [24, 24], [0, 36], [-24, 24] ],
    "flippable" : true,
    "universalDamage" : true,
    "statusEffects" : [
    "kind" : "health",
    "amount" : 15

    changed the amount from 100 to 15~ still new to all this so not sure if that means it's hardcoded ._. sorry!
  14. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I believe he is asking if it heals 15 on monsters of varying level, or does it change depending on what level the monster is that you hit it with.
  15. SuperMandrew

    SuperMandrew Cosmic Narwhal

    Sorry, what I meant was if the healing value changed based on who was it with the projectile, especially based on their level. However, it seems like it's just a simple value set, so having it as 15 should keep it constantly at 15, thus knockback shouldn't come into play I believe.

    EDIT: Yea, MorpH is correct
  16. Ellary

    Ellary Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh it is always just 15~ I am pretty sure!
  17. Ellary

    Ellary Pangalactic Porcupine

    So now my next question! are we able to make our own projectile files? and the game will use them in game?
  18. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't see why not. I haven't messed around with that yet but as long as you have the assets and configs right, I don't see why it wouldn't work, staying within the current limits of course.
  19. Ellary

    Ellary Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh yikes like I have to add lines to configs and stuff?

    I love the community!!! so far I have been able to make it so I can drop items and whoever (friend or foe) walks over them gets healed!! am now making a little book to drop hearts. (just for fun! the actual mod will be a medical item)

    any help on now making custom projectiles would be greatly appreciated!!! I am not sure what files to edit to accept customs.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  20. Ellary

    Ellary Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh my gosh! I want to just bake you all cookies right now! It no longer pushes! and I am able to make my own projectile types easy and the game seems to be using it. I am throwing it out there and its the icon I did for it and all! was no editing anything but making the projectile folder in the projectiles! then setting the weapon to use that type! Bless you Chucklefish for making this game new modder friendly!
    SuperMandrew likes this.

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