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Closed Character/ship corruption after the update

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by DSF66, Apr 21, 2015.

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  1. DSF66

    DSF66 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Any attempt to load up my character results in this:

    A bit of backstory.
    Originally it loaded up more or less fine. However, "Cool Desk" was missing completely both as item in the containers and the placed instances. I've also noticed that human server things (large grey case full of electronics) were 1 block misplaced partially overlapping with the things they used to be next to. Then when (I think) I accidentally selected wiring tool the game has crashed and refused to load up the character ever since.

    UPD - Some more info.
    Mods used: None.
    Char created at version: Upbeat Giraffe (aka the previous stable one)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2015
  2. nimmerland

    nimmerland Existential Complex

    Dunto likes this.
  3. DSF66

    DSF66 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Alright, sorry for no logs.
    That's what I could find. Universe lock crashes were my bad (tried to access my char in SP without shutting down the MP server since there were people here).

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  4. Doggie

    Doggie Void-Bound Voyager

    I got the same exact error popup. I have no mods or alterations to game and was running fine before update. I loaded my character, flew to outpost, bought some teleporters and pet stuff, set pet house and bowl in ship, fed the kitty some meat chunkz, then I put the ball on my hotbar and my game crashed with that same error popup and crashes instantly everytime I try to load my character. :( Other characters will load but looks like my main one RIP'd completely.

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  5. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Looks like an issue with the wiring node calculations. Rename your .shipworld file for the affected character and let a new one be created, using /admin commands to upgrade your ship back to where it was. See if the problem persists.
    RatixFarrence likes this.
  6. Doggie

    Doggie Void-Bound Voyager

    So I basically have to start over or reroll my ship? ;/ whole reason I stuck with stable was to avoid that.

    Is my ship being wired before patch breaking the game or something?
  7. DSF66

    DSF66 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Strange enough my ship was also wired up. And as I said before it crashed on me pressing T by an accident.

    Also I have a total of 4 characters so finding that one shipworld is going to be... fun :))
  8. Doggie

    Doggie Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah took me a while to find it. To make life easier I suggest copying the ship file to a different folder instead of renaming it, and then logging in to see if it was correct one, if not then move it back and replace the new file it created.

    My game isn't crashing anymore after moving my ship file and making a new one but I'm now at the bottom of the screen and I can't move. Is there a command to teleport my character?

    I guess whatever was wired before patch is now broken coding and when wiring tool triggered the visual layouts it murdered the whole game violently...

    Edit: Actually.... if thats the case I don't have wiring tool selected anymore and exited game and put my original Ship world back into folder and loaded game... Now my ship is back and no crashing...
    Now maybe if I destroy everything that is wired to something it'll fix game. ;s

    Edit2: Actually it's not crashing when I select wiring tool. Let's just hope it doesn't crash again then.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
    DSF66 likes this.
  9. Milapurr

    Milapurr Astral Cartographer

    Maybe this is the error I have... I deleted my ship file and have NO idea what admin command forces the ship upgrade.
  10. Doggie

    Doggie Void-Bound Voyager

    Make sure your mouse cursor is above you (so the item physically drops into ur inventory) and It's /admin and then /spawnitem shipT8. Then eat it.
    DragonsForce likes this.
  11. Milapurr

    Milapurr Astral Cartographer

    Why thank you!
  12. nimmerland

    nimmerland Existential Complex

    You can look into the starbound.log file for which clientShipWorld UUID it tried to load. Also time and date of the files may help you.
  13. DSF66

    DSF66 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks! That allowed me to recover the ship and the character. :)

    However, some bugs are still there. Since the topic is about ship corruption after the update, here's what happened on mine (the pic is too big to embed it into the post):

    While re-placing the cases is no big deal sure enough. Cool desks are missing completely though.

    Welp. This is getting funny. As you can see I have no option to reboot him. FTL is also dead
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  14. nimmerland

    nimmerland Existential Complex

    So you can't use the matter manipulator on the invisible cool desk for some time? Can you spawn a new cool desk using spawnitem command? (apexcooldesk)

    Working as expected on a fresh install
    Dunto likes this.
  15. DSF66

    DSF66 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes I've managed to spawn a some new ones using admin mode.
    Also to fix AI's misbehavior I restored metadata from the most recent bak file. Lost ALL the shiplights and some doors but it's nothing 3D printer can't fix.
  16. Doggie

    Doggie Void-Bound Voyager

    When I first logged into my ship 3 monitors that were on wall above me dropped into my inventory. Maybe that happened to you but you didn't pick them up before fixing ship and they fell into the void. :eek:

    My FTL and AI seems to be working fine. Not sure of any simple fixes but repeating the steps to fix ship and rebooting the new ship before replacing it might work? Also whatever DSF mentioned.

    Edit: Actually after looking at pic theres some tables missing that were in top left room~ the infirmary. ;x and the kitchen sink behind me.. hmm what else is missing then. :O

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    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
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