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[Bug] Wife won't get out of the kitchen

Discussion in 'Support' started by Malifore, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. Malifore

    Malifore Space Hobo

    Spouse is Abigail

    Married 2nd of Fall

    She won't move from in front of the stove unless it's a rainy day. She has made me a meal once but other then that hasn't moved from directly in front of the stove. She moved once when it was a rainy day to go feed her hamster but the next day she went right back to the same spot.

    Maybe it's a pathing issue? I tried moving the well I had right next to the house's entrance just in case but not dice.

    Any ideas? Has this happened to anyone else? I was having a lot of fun but this kind of major bug has brought me to a full stop.
    • RAINBIRD55

      RAINBIRD55 Starship Captain

      Isn't that where a wife should be? Lol. Maybe divorce her and remarry?

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