REQUEST Bigger house/outdoor decor?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by sanademonangel, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. sanademonangel

    sanademonangel Poptop Tamer

    So i've only gotten to upgrade my house up to the nursery but it seem like i'm running out of space, so i was wondering if someone could make bigger rooms and outdoor decorations on the house. I mean its winter time and there is no xmas lights, like COME ON my house is the only one without nothing on it. This is SO not true in my real life and i'm kinda mad about that in the game.
    • Advize

      Advize Cosmic Narwhal

      This is something I've wanted as well. It shouldn't be too difficult to implement, let me see what I can do.
      • keyten

        keyten Cosmic Narwhal

        Just don't alert the location of bed and entertance If you don't use Storm since wake up location and entertance ones are hardcoded.
        Also don't alert location of walls and floors since the game will crash If there were a wallpaper.
        • Advize

          Advize Cosmic Narwhal

          Yep, it works.


          Now do you have any ideas on what you would like your expanded furniture area to be? What should it look like, where should it be, how big do you want it. Lemme know and I'll make it happen.
            Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
          • flyinghusky

            flyinghusky Void-Bound Voyager

            THAT IS AWESOME!!!! Would you be able to implement that for the whole farm (just outdoors)? My dreams of creating a maze tea garden is finally coming true!
            • Jokerine

              Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              So excited bout outdoor decor, oh my! <3
              • sanademonangel

                sanademonangel Poptop Tamer

                I guess 30% bigger would be great. I think there isn't enough space for the family room (top level) besides the nursey, and the living room seems so cramped with all the furniture (couch, christmas tree, etc).
                • Nightscaled

                  Nightscaled Tentacle Wrangler

                  Man, I just wanna be able to put indoor decorations outdoors so this screenshot is like DREAM COME TRUE
                  • Sakuramei

                    Sakuramei Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Very excited to see this being a thing. I don't plant many things so I'd love to be able to decorate with a bunch of different furniture outside.
                    • ngotrongduong

                      ngotrongduong Intergalactic Tourist

                      I prefer the layout as it it now but with another 2 or 3 room/ basement/roof? So that you dont have to do aything with the current wall/floor.
                      As you can see, we still havent got the toilet/shower room/ storage room/ basement.....I wonder if you can copy or make a small version of hotsping and put it in a basement or something like that..
                      • ngotrongduong

                        ngotrongduong Intergalactic Tourist

                        Even better if you can make it as the forth/fifth upgrade from carpenter ^_^
                        • BoffoBoy

                          BoffoBoy Existential Complex

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