Modding Help Bigger dinosaur

Discussion in 'Mods' started by JasmineMcCoy, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. JasmineMcCoy

    JasmineMcCoy Void-Bound Voyager

    Would it be possible to make the dino a bit bigger? That thing lays eggs bigger than itself :S
    • mehmehmoh

      mehmehmoh Seal Broken

      Yes, you can do this by editing the save file easily.

      Open your save file (named something like: "Name_Numbers" (not the "SaveGameInfo" file)) in something like Notepad++
      Search for the part about dinosaur (I don't have one so I don't know what it's named internally but you can search for the name you named him/her)
      It will probably look like this
      <FarmAnimal><name>"Dinosaur name"</name>

      Scroll a bit further 'til you see "<scale>"
      Increase by whatever you like (I suggest in steps of 0.1) and test ingame.
      • JasmineMcCoy

        JasmineMcCoy Void-Bound Voyager

        Thanks. Didn't expect those settings to be in the save file. Will they be preserved later on?
        • JasmineMcCoy

          JasmineMcCoy Void-Bound Voyager

          Sorry for spam. I have edited the dino sprite (didn't like it much) with some I have downloaded online and have been playing with BoundingBox and SourceRect values for it in the save file. Am I correct that those define the size of the sprites the game reads for that particular animal? Or am I doing some absurd stuff? :rofl: The dino's sprite is really small. I have also edited the FarmAnimals file (in the Data folder). Is there any information on how to decipher the values there? I think I have figured out some but am not sure about others. If I (successfully) edit the size values there, will all the future dinos I will hatch be affected by it too?
          • mehmehmoh

            mehmehmoh Seal Broken

            I'm pretty sure they will. I've only resized my pets, not farmanimals but i'm assuming it's the same.
            I don't think they actually affect the sprite size, just collision.
            If you actually edit the .xnb's of FarmAnimals and Dinosaur you could make it so that every dino would look how you want. But I can't tell you exactly how to do that, I've not yet looked into any of the .xnb's myself.
            Editing the save file values only applies it to the animals you edit the values for.

            • JasmineMcCoy

              JasmineMcCoy Void-Bound Voyager

              Thanks, that's nice to know. It was a pain to edit, sicne it all appears on one line in notepad++ (is there any way to fix it btw?).

              I am not sure the collission is actually working properly :S The original sprite for the dino was composed of 16x16 elements. Without changing the scale and raising the BoundingBox (8/32/48 to 36/64/64 etc) and the SourceRect (16 to 32), I switched to a sprite sheet of 32x32 elements. The "dino" got bigger and the new graphics appears to fit (or at least it doesn't look like some weird mass of parts). Now that I think of it, I used the values of a cow for BoundingBox. If that's indeed the value of collision, it should probably be different, since it's not even remotely the same shape. SourceRect seems to be the size of a single element in the sprite sheet.

              Hmmm, hopefully I edited the right ones. I suppose there might be more though. Will have to try and see.
              • mehmehmoh

                mehmehmoh Seal Broken

                Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager > Install the plugin called "XML Tools"
                After install you do Plugins > XML Tools > Pretty Print (XML with Line breaks) or press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B

                edit: had a whole explanation here but realized it didn't make sense afterwards.

                To me it seems you're already on the right track, but maybe someone with more knowledge of this stuff could chime in here?
                  Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
                • JasmineMcCoy

                  JasmineMcCoy Void-Bound Voyager

                  Thanks! Finally :rofl:

                  I hope so. I tried playing with the BoundingBox values and actually it seems not to do anything at all. I'm confused :S

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