Are you in a bad mood? Then read this.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by StardropPJ, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. StardropPJ

    StardropPJ Void-Bound Voyager

    Are you having a bad day? Or just in a bad mood? Well read this, it may help you get out of that blue phase.

    Why are you in a bad mood now, did somthing go wrong? Or simply are you just in a bad mood? Well I'm here to help you, I want to make sure everyone on this forum is happy. if you are in a bad mood, just SMILE :D sounds stupid eh? Turns out, even if you are super sad/mad smiling will give you a boost of happiness, no joke. When you smile dopamine gets sent to your brain, dopamine is that feeling you get if you do somthing you love! It's basically the happiness chemical. So just smile! Sit down, close eyes, relax and slime.
    Kaede Grimwater and Inf_Wolf14 like this.

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