additional content?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Phiosiden, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. Phiosiden

    Phiosiden Space Hobo

    will this game be receiving any updates or dlc at all? fell in love with the game and would love if it received content updates every once in a while!
    • sirithre

      sirithre Pangalactic Porcupine

      There are currently no plans for additional content.

      Then again, there were no plans for additional content in Rebirth, either.
      Just don't get your hopes up. <3
      • theforgottenone

        theforgottenone Void-Bound Voyager

        i hope there is other wise as far as content goes the game is very disappointing. even if they just added new area/maps and more dungeons that are harder and new gear. like theres only 2 rare dungeons the rest are in the same place always only a couple restricted to quests i thought there was going to be loads more random dungeons based on what i read before. the final boss is joke too its actually easier than all the other bosses. rebirths crawl mode was way better at least it changed scenery and than there where the random effect rolls from the box. overall it just feels like the game is lacking content especially since it came out almost a year late

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