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Notice Account Confirmation Help Thread

Discussion in 'General Forum Help' started by Ordona, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Activated those that were still not.
  2. pete_62

    pete_62 Space Hobo

    Hello, can my account be activated please.. Not getting activation email.
    Thank you.

    EDIT: Account is activated. Email eventually came through.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
  3. Sventex

    Sventex Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have a @sbcglobal.net email, and could not receive the confirmation email. This is my only email address, what should I do?
  4. guinevak

    guinevak Space Hobo

    I've tried to get a confirmation email three times, but it's not coming through.
  5. Activated.
  6. Sventex

    Sventex Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thank you!
  7. guinevak

    guinevak Space Hobo

    Yay! Thank you!
  8. SolBoi

    SolBoi Orbital Explorer

    Confirmation mail still not coming after a day...
  9. Activated.
  10. SolBoi

    SolBoi Orbital Explorer

  11. moonflesh

    moonflesh Space Hobo

    Hi there, can my account please be activated?
  12. Berp

    Berp Space Hobo

    Can you manually do mine i have been resending for hours and nothing has happened
  13. Activated.
  14. Master of Boxes

    Master of Boxes Space Hobo

    I have not received my confirmation email through AOL for the majority of the day and need my account verified manually.
  15. Activated.
  16. Master of Boxes

    Master of Boxes Space Hobo

    Thank you!
  17. Pokal

    Pokal Mop

    I dont seem to get the E-mail
  18. Activated.
  19. Phil151mod

    Phil151mod Space Hobo

    I am not receiving the activation email at my aol email. I have tried several resend requests, but no luck. Please activate manually.
  20. Penonik2117

    Penonik2117 Intergalactic Tourist

    The email just isn't coming, I triple checked everything but still, nothing.

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