Dev Blog 16th June - Dog friends!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. Hey everyone!


    We've done a lot of work on the action bar based on player feedback! You can toggle between two bars now, with each one containing six pairs of left/right slots. It's tricky to describe, so here's a gif!


    You may want to use your favorite sword/shield combo most of the time, but maybe you'll find yourself in lots of situations where it'd be useful to have a sword in one hand and a medkit in the other! Or maybe sometimes you'll want to quickly swap to dual-wielding daggers, or fist weapons! The new action bar makes this far easier.


    Also, now you can capture dog friends!

    Attached Files:

  2. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Oh! This makes things a lot easier! Much thanks! Convenience is always appreciated as you guys make combat better.
  3. Tazmaniac95

    Tazmaniac95 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hopefully it's as convenient to use as it appears to be. Could I get some confirmation from those of you in the nightly how you like it, if it's in there.
  4. Kane_HUN

    Kane_HUN Aquatic Astronaut

    The ultimate friend we need for fighting against space-pirates!
    baconsama25 likes this.
  5. Kennethern

    Kennethern Phantasmal Quasar

    It's nice that you're still adding on to the pet system. Would it be possible for the critters to have a use, though? I'm tired of capturing the cute things just to have them either fly away, or sit there like a Dodo bird. Perhaps the bird could allow you to switch to it's perspective and have you control it until you call it back, the green anteater-like creature might run ahead of you and stand near dangerous pools/cliffs as a warning.
    Just an idea, though I'm not expecting anything of it.
  6. bjorn0411

    bjorn0411 Phantasmal Quasar

    Honestly, that new hotbar doesnt look nearly as good as the old one, but thats completely subjective, I just really hope theres an option to use the old one.
    I'm sure some people would love it though. So its nice that the option is there, as long as it is an option.
  7. Kennethern

    Kennethern Phantasmal Quasar

    It did say "You can toggle between two bars now." c:
    Bobther likes this.
  8. RodgerDodger

    RodgerDodger Phantasmal Quasar

    Aww man the more I see the more I can't wait for the 1.0 update!
  9. bjorn0411

    bjorn0411 Phantasmal Quasar

    Ohh, right. I missread that, I just saw the double slots thing and, yeah.
    But alright, then everything is fine.
    I so hate when a dev makes a change, that changes the way something works, and then doesnt give the option to use the old system, even when it doesnt cause unbalanced gameplay. Its the easiest thing to keep both options, just keep the old code, and create an option to use that instead of the new code.
    I'm so glad Chucklefish doesnt do this. So good on them!
    Speed Lightning and Kennethern like this.
  10. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    very nice....make take some getting used to, then again I never really messed with duel wielding items, especially when i thought about with building
  11. emaker123

    emaker123 Void-Bound Voyager

  12. KFCdevil84

    KFCdevil84 Void-Bound Voyager

    Old bar 4 life
    MACMAN2003 and Bobther like this.
  13. Phantaeon

    Phantaeon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    YES! Dogmasterrace!
    Avarwen and baconsama25 like this.
  14. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    I admit I don't know how I feel about this. The hotbar I mean. I'm thoroughly happy with finding and bringing home doggies.

    It does seem to give use more storage, at least as far as field gear is concerned. Though are you able to put a single sword in more than one slot-pair? What if I found a real nice 1-handed sword and use it with a shield most of the time, but want to switch to a sword/medkit combo on the fly? Am I stuck using a lesser sword in that combo?

    Although I always used the scroll-wheel rather than hotkeys, I'd think this would need a hotkey to swap bars on the fly. So if I have one bar for exploration/building and one for combat, can swap quickly.

    Mostly this is unfamiliarity talking, I probably wasn't exploitng the old hotbar to its fullest anyway.
    Tamorr likes this.
  15. Vuldreg

    Vuldreg Cosmic Narwhal

    This improvement sounds great, Always had been wanting to have option for dual wielding multiple choices of items, I normally just use a flash light and the bandages on my dual wield slot before but now I'll be able to do that and have dual wielded weapons at the same time.
  16. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    I wonder if the dog will run after the cat pet in the human ship...
    Avarwen likes this.
  17. -Pitool-

    -Pitool- Orbital Explorer

    ehh, I dont really like this design, i feel like having 2 pairs that you can switch to easily is enough, because i'd like to have my action bar full but be able to select only 1 item at a time
    MACMAN2003 likes this.
  18. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

    Who needs a dog?
    When there is...
  19. Dr aquafenilinguine

    Dr aquafenilinguine Tentacle Wrangler

    That is ugliest action bar i've ever laid my eyes on
  20. LazerRay

    LazerRay Cosmic Narwhal

    I might find some good uses for those extra dual wield slots, as for the dog thing, that will take some time to figure out something for.

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