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Feedback [1.3] System Navigation A Bit Too Zoomed In

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Nanoslarty, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Nanoslarty

    Nanoslarty Big Damn Hero

    As clusmy as I've been with the new interface for system navigation that 1.3 brought us all, I've being enjoying it a fair deal.

    I have one issue, however -- I'm not sure if it's a bug or if there's a certain setting I need to tinker with to fix this, but my navigation UI is zoomed in. This has made trying to navigate to far-flung planets in each system I've visited thus far incredibly difficult to do, as they're off of the display for almost their entire orbit cycle.

    It isn't just planets around stars, but also moons/additional, smaller planets around celestial bodies that I've zoomed in to navigate through individually.

    So far, I've tinkered with my resolution, scale (x2, x4, etc.), window/fullscreen mode and a couple of out-of-game solutions, such as clearing all mods and verifying Starbound's cache integrity. I'm a little at loss at what to do to fix this. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
  2. AccademicJimbo

    AccademicJimbo Poptop Tamer

    So I'm not the only one.

    I mean sure some of it is an issue of a mod but it's dealing with one of the most popular mods and the previous system posed no issue.

    I don't understand the creative decisions where modifications to the UI are done with no other reason but to frustrate and delay.
    When they eliminated different kinds of dirt for the allege sake of inventory preservation but then eliminated food stacking, I remembered why more pessimistic communities call these developers "Chucklef***".
    And then "cooking time" of crafting because why not just have the equivalence of a few second lag in clicking a button. Thankfully other mods quickly nullify these.

    But it isn't just a mod incompatibility for having a larger-than-vanilla star system. Everything about this update follows the same design logic of the aforementioned changes

    Even on vanilla, why on earth is clicking the "edge" of the map the way to zoom out. What exactly was the problem with the simple zoom in/out buttons?

    Why do you have to physically fly to the planet within the star system and play that waiting game. On larger solar systems it takes a solid minute to get to the other side. This isn't fun exploration, its literally the worst thing about Mass Effect 2, but amplified. Sure, waste more time and add more confusion of "wait, was I at this planet before? What kind of planet was it?"

    These contrived changes are time wasters at best that artificially inflate how long it takes to play the game. But mandatory "you've had enough fun for now" interruptions don't improve the overall game by making it take longer, they just make it worse with constant frustrations.
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  3. Nanoslarty

    Nanoslarty Big Damn Hero

    Zooming out from the corners of the map has been the most irritating thing about the new system nav, beyond the actual star systems not fitting on screen.

    To demonstrate what I mean, to anyone else who is only just now visiting the thread, this is the issue I'm faced with, in GIF form.


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