Comments on Profile Post by severedskullz

  1. DarthTrethon
    Well he's not marked as a developer and I do remember Tiy was looking for an intern via twitter recently(within the past couple of weeks).....I wonder if that's Healthire. I also wonder what will become of Starfoundry if he's been hired at CF.....will it go into the main game, will it be left to someone else, will it be abandoned?
    Mar 20, 2015
  2. Healthire
    Not really secretly, there just wasn't any announcement or anything. I thought most modder people knew by now. I've been working on starbound for about 5 months now :)
    Mar 20, 2015
  3. severedskullz
    Well as you may have noticed my appearance in IRC has gotten very infrequent due to schooling and such, so Im not exactly up to date on everything :(
    Mar 20, 2015
  4. DarthTrethon
    Well, I know it's long overdue and stuff, but congratulations on becoming a CF developer. Best of luck. I wish they had given you a developer badge.
    Mar 20, 2015