Comments on Profile Post by Dipdoo

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  2. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Uh, I have some leftover spicy chicken pizza.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  3. Dipdoo
    "Close enough." *opens mouth and waits*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  4. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Hang on a minute. *Puts on metal gauntlets* Not falling for that beartrap. *Stuffs the pizza into the avali's face.*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  5. Dipdoo
    *Clamps again* "Smart." *Unclamps* "Got any more?" Wildeyes, as wild as pupil-less eyes can look that is.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  6. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Nah, that's all I got. *Pulls out the bottle of mace* Unless you want to finish this thing off.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  7. Dipdoo
    "Let me try that!" *Grabs at the mace spray, mouth open again*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  8. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Sure thing. *Gives the avali another spray of the mace, all over its face, some of it into the mouth*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  9. Dipdoo
    "HOT!" *Rushes the hose once again and sprays self down* "How about you aim this time?"
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  10. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    *Hands over a bottle labeled "The Hottest F•ckin' Sauce"* Here, try this. *Dons goggles*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  11. Dipdoo
    "Hmmm..." *Snatches the bottle and tries just a little touch. Only now reading the bottle's title.* Regret.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  12. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    *Adjusts goggles slightly, before also donning a welding mask*
    ( >.<)b
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  13. Dipdoo
    "..." *Panics* "oooooOOOOH!" *Rushes both hoses this time, hurling one at 'Fire Man' and bites at the other* "ICE! Need ice!"
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  14. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    *Hefts a CO2 fire extinguisher* Alright, but it's a little... dry. *Blasts the avali with CO2*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  15. Dipdoo
    *Lunges right into the blast* "More!"
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  16. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Can do. *Empties the fire extinguisher at the avali, then grabs a dewar of liquid nitrogen over the avali*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  17. Dipdoo
    *Washes down the sweet, soothing CO2 with water and looks at the dewar with some concern* "Where do you get all of this and where can I get some?" Eyes still watery and mouth open.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  18. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Oh, silly me, forgot to remove the cap. *Pop* Here we go. *Dumps the contents of the liquid nitrogen dewar on to the avali*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  19. Dipdoo
    *Starts flapping out from under the stream, flinging the nitrogen that didn't already evaporate* "Do you have any idea how stiff this can make your feathers!?"
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  20. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    I don't have feathers, so no.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  21. Dipdoo
    "That was close, any more and I would've had knives for feathers. Got any other tricks Spice Man?"
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  22. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    *Aside glances at a flamethrower* Uh, no?
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  23. Dipdoo
    "That looks pretty neat." *Starts walking towards it with a grin* "Spice-thrower."
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  24. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    *Stands in front of the flamethrower* Whoa, whoa! That's... uh, a 'remote cooker'. Yeah, you don't use it on people, that'd be silly.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  25. Dipdoo
    "If you brought a 'Remote Cooker' with you then you must have something to cook with it." *Looks on expectantly*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  26. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Are you ever not hungry? Look, It was for the, uh, pizza! That's right, I cooked the pizza with it.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  27. Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    Hi. I've come to help Dipdoo.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo likes this.
  28. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    What? No, I'm sure he's just fine.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Dipdoo and Firebird Zoom like this.
  29. Dipdoo
    ((Let the likebombs rain!))
    "But that was cold pizza. At least in comparison to that sauce." *Glances around looking for any inexplicable hunk of meat that isn't Spice Man*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  30. Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    *Surgically removes Roland's heart* Here you go.
    Dec 13, 2016
  31. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Oww! It's okay, I didn't need that anyway; *sticks an artificial heart in its place* Always pays to have a backup.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  32. Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    *Surgically removes Roland's head*
    Dec 13, 2016
  33. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Hang on, that's not surgery, that's decapitation! *Takes back head, sticking it back on* As for how I could talk, uh, that's a secret.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  34. Dipdoo
    "That's impressive." *Takes Roland's heart and hands it back* "Would you mind frying this? Raw is fine but cooking gives it more flavor."
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  35. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    What. Frying my own... you know what? Sure. Hold it in your mouth. *Picks up the flamethrower, igniting the pilot light*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  36. Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    *eats flamethrower*
    Dec 13, 2016
  37. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Well, now I can't 'cook' anything. *Flips a switch causing the flamethrower to self-destruct* There's a spicy meatball.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  38. Dipdoo
    "Oooh! Try belching fire!" *Tosses the heart up like a skeet puck*
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  39. Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    *Breathes fire*
    Dec 13, 2016
  40. Dipdoo
    "What kind of cooker explodes? Then again what kind of Avali breathes fire?" *Pulls out darts and a dart board* "Anyone up for some darts?"
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  41. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    It explodes when you over-gas it. Or eat it; the tank ruptured with a lit pilot light.
    Dec 13, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  42. Dragonclaw
    Antagonize THIS!
    *free cake*
    Dec 14, 2016
    HunterC1998 and Firebird Zoom like this.
  43. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Nooo! Stop! We've got a fire hazard over here, what if it all lights up?
    Dec 14, 2016
  44. Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    *lights the candles*
    Dec 14, 2016
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  45. Dipdoo
    *Sneaks just a little of The Hottest Sauce onto the cake and grabs a piece* "Looks just fine to me."
    Dec 14, 2016
    Dragonclaw and Firebird Zoom like this.
  46. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Well, you have some first then. It's your cake, after all.
    Dec 14, 2016
    Dragonclaw and Firebird Zoom like this.
  47. Dipdoo
    *Takes a moment to gather all possible willpower, gulping* "Alright." *Takes a small bite and screams internally* "That's a good cake."
    Dec 15, 2016
    Dragonclaw and Firebird Zoom like this.
  48. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    You sure? I seem to be holding something down.
    Dec 15, 2016
    Dragonclaw and Firebird Zoom like this.
  49. Dipdoo
    "Oh it's just some pent-up energy." *Begins pacing, eyes widening and throat tightening* "Haven't had a good hunt for a while."
    Dec 15, 2016
    Dragonclaw and Firebird Zoom like this.
  50. Roland Weiss
    Roland Weiss
    Really? Because it seems like the cake didn't agree with you.
    Dec 15, 2016
    Dragonclaw and Firebird Zoom like this.
  51. Dipdoo
    "Excuse me." *Runs just out of sight and belches out enough heat to be felt and falls into a coughing fit* "It's not... The only thing. That's. Disagreeing"
    Dec 15, 2016
    Dragonclaw and Firebird Zoom like this.