Comments on Profile Post by Sir Wilfrey

  1. zeskorion
    That's a t-shirt i see often, actually.

    Funny you posted a "meme" now, after i just got into a sort of debate on the proper use of said word
    Jul 6, 2016
    Sir Wilfrey likes this.
  2. Sir Wilfrey
    Sir Wilfrey
    It's anything that is passed from one culture to another, I'm aware! But anywho yeah. You got Wilfed. Whatcha gonna do m8? Gonna randomly shoot Alkane in the leg again? xD
    Jul 6, 2016
  3. zeskorion
    Actually, it is any information or behavior that spreads , usually like a virus
    Jul 6, 2016
    Sir Wilfrey likes this.
  4. Sir Wilfrey
    Sir Wilfrey
    That makes sense since most memes make me sick xD
    Jul 6, 2016
    zeskorion likes this.