The Endless Void (otherwise known as Mon)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by manofbedrock, May 3, 2014.

  1. manofbedrock

    manofbedrock Subatomic Cosmonaut

    this was requested!
    I don't know what category to put this in, as it is purely for entertainment purposes! So I put it here!
    so yeah! don't hate on me!

    What is a Mon?
    Mon (translation: endless void) is an otherworldly dimension and home to the Unity of Species. One such race is a submitted suggestion! Link here! Anyway, on with the topic.

    Mon, as you might expect, as an endless void. In this endless void float hollow gas covered structures similar to planets. Inside these structures lies a mix of hydrogen gas and sulfuric compounds, along with suspended meteor-like rocks (occasionally with plant life). The average temperature inside these is around -10 degrees Celsius. In one such structure, the four species that make up the Unity of Species society reside. Its not a stretch to say that Mon is extremely inhospitable. the four species are thus highly evolved to be able to survive the harsh terrain they call home.

    the four species of this dimension are at least slightly varied, though almost always similar. Descriptions of these four species and their positions in Unity society are separated into four categories below. starting from least to greatest.

    Ugath, the first species.
    The Ugath are a short, foul smelling race that resides at the bottom of Unity society. their role is manufacturing, maintaining equipment, and usually being pushed around. Their appearance can be described like this. The average Ugath is about four to five feet tall, with four small, beady eyes and a thick layer of sticky slime covering their white bodies. While other species have gone down the rout of heat insulating scales, the Ugath have to tolerate their tragic biology, and usually are highly segregated from all other species.

    Engath, the second species.
    The Engath are a good sized, humble race that often are seen working with the Ugath in jobs involving overseeing. Their appearance can be described as this: a six to five feet tall reptilian alien with massive eyes, much like those of a house gecko. They are usually a dull, rusty red color. their eyes are almost always bright yellow, but grey eyed Engaths have been recorded.
    this image can give you an idea of how big their eyes are.

    Yangath, the third species.
    The Yangath are known as the most oppressive of the four species. they deal with science, engineering, and caring for the Nagaths at the top of Unity Society. they also serve as the law enforcement of Mon. Their appearance can be described as a six to seven feet tall reptilian being, with very small eyes and a ring of horns at the back of their heads. They are known to be the least expressive of the species, and live up to that legacy. Because of this, the Yangath are often categorized as being very unfeeling and uncaring, no matter how untrue that may be.

    Nagath, the fourth species.
    The Nagath are few in number and very privileged in Unity society. they deal with politics, and are feared by the rest of the species, rightly so. their inborn bloodthirstiness and their disregard for other species have given them a bad reputation in their society. However, disrespecting a Nagath is a serious offense and is often not left unpunished. They often set themselves apart from other species, and are very proud, though they do not openly show it due to their culture. a Nagath's appearance is that of a eight to nine feet tall rather slouching bipedal reptile. their heads are large and wedge shaped, with two very long, thin horns sprouting out from small clusters of two tiny bone protuberances side by side.

    More about Unity Society (this is still a WIP!)

    culture, culture and some more culture!

    The Unity of Species was first formed with the intention of a better life for all species. One of the ways integration was encouraged was mixing the four specie's culture into one that all four could agree on. The Nagath got the rights to decided on attire for their new civilization. Therefore, everyone in the Unity of Species is dressed sparsely, wearing only a wide loincloth and a few articles of jewelry. This is a remembrance to the fact that all four species used to be animals, until the event that sparked their curiosity and therefore their rise to sentience happened.

    Social Behavior
    Social behavior in the Unity of Species varies with each species, but overall it is very direct. There is no 'sweet talking' in the Unity of Species. whoever you know will openly say to you exactly how they feel about you (with the Nagath reaching our universe and starting to communicate with the races, this has led to tension with the other species), not caring whether its positive or negative. The Unity of Species believe that hiding how you really feel about someone is weakness, and discourage it. Because of this, however, if you do manage to find a friend in the Unity of Species, you can be rest assured that he or she really is your friend. Friendship in the Unity of Species is taken very seriously, as it is hard to find someone who actually does like you for who you are. Once you are friends, there is a lot of trust between you and your friend. Changing the subject, nudity (ironically) is taken very seriously in the Unity of Species. Seeing someone else with no clothes on (there are exceptions, of course, such as a child and their mother, and so on) is a serious offense to that person. Doing so, even accidentally, is a dishonor to their heritage, and the worst personal insult possible in the Unity of Species culture.

    Unity life

    Unity lifestyle
    Unity lifestyle can be described in three words. Boring, repetitive, and controlled. In the Unity of Species, you are guaranteed enough food to survive and a place to stay. In return, you must work at your role for your entire life. Once your usefulness has expired, you are painlessly eradicated. To meet this 'nobody in need' requirement, population control in the Unity of Species is very strict. To be able to marry, you must be a perfect example of that species genetically. It is estimated that one in every three members of the Unity of Species are able to marry. If you are not qualified, then you will have the capability to reproduce removed from your genome at birth.


    transportation in the Unity of Species is composed of privately owned and public vehicle services, much like most dimensions in our universe. The most basic form of transportation is the cruiser. The cruiser is a vehicle designed to be cheaply produced and fuel efficient. It is much like a spaceship or a floating car, in that it is designed to both move in gravitational fields and in low gravity. Other forms of transportation are walking, automated streets, and also the occasional monorail system built inside of a facility (think half life).

    The Unity of Species has taken a route of military that most have not. Instead of focusing on 'rate of fire', they focus on precision targeting and slow firing weapons that do a lot of damage in one round. therefore, you'll never find a machine gun in the Unity of Species arsenal. Instead, you'll usually find plasma cannons and other energy based weapons. Moving on, the tactics of Unity of Species warfare are varied with what unit it refers to. ground infantry is almost never used (obviously), but in the rare occasion it is put into play, ground infantry is often charged with defense of a structure. Vehicle combat is based off hit and run tactics. they will come in, hit the weakest parts of your defense, and then retreat, before coming around again. the tactic proves most effective in almost every situation.

    Weaponry (might do a picture for this)
    As stated in the previous post, Mon's military preferences are in slow firing, high damage per round weapons. The engineers who design Mons weapons think it to be wasteful to create high rate of fire weapons. Why waste resources when you don't have to? The Unity of Species often makes use of energy weapons to avoid wasting valuable metals. One weapon worthy of noting is the antimatter rifle. The antimatter rifle works by colliding one atom of matter and one atom of antimatter together. this will cause a nuclear explosion. the explosion is controlled by electromagnetism, and is directed out the barrel of the weapon. while extremely destructive, the antimatter rifle is very unpredictable. whether the beam will cut through or explode against whatever it hits is a complete chance. therefore training with the antimatter rifle is almost never done with the actual weapon, but with simulations. Other weapons commonly found in a Yangathean arsenal are nano-edged knives, plasma based artillery, and also a concussive energy launcher that is similar to a RPG or missile launcher.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  2. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

  3. manofbedrock

    manofbedrock Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm not really sure how I'm going to move this whole thing...can you tell me how?
  4. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    @Jonesy The OP (@manofbedrock ) wishes for this thread to be moved to the Fan Fiction area, as said above.
    Mind doing that for him?
  5. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Sure thing. Next time, I'd recommend just reporting the thread and asking for it to be moved. You posted the request three hours before I came online, and with a report any staff member can handle it.
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  6. manofbedrock

    manofbedrock Subatomic Cosmonaut

  7. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    Ah, I thought I saw you online. Haha

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