SAO's Monster Monster Contest Entry

Discussion in 'The Monster Monster Contest' started by SAO, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. SAO

    SAO 2.7182818284590...

    SCROLL DOWN IN AWEsomeness.
    Monster Monster Colour.png Monster Monster Grayscale.png
    Thumbnailns up there, actual pics are huge!

    Monster Monster Sprite.png

    Aul 'Khura and other Shrakellians
    The Aul 'Khura are a species of Shrakellian. They are the most intelligent and the second biggest. Aul 'Khura are easily recognized by their huge size and drill-like mouth.

    Other species in the Shrakellian family include the Aul Aul 'Crah, which is the largest. They have a kraken-like mouth and very aggresive, but not as intelligent as the Aul 'Khura.

    There are also Gehril 'Khura, which are only about a fifth the size of an Aul 'Khura, but are almost as intelligent and also have drill-like mouths.

    Then the last are the Gehril 'Crah, which are the same general size as Gehril 'Khura, but are much more aggresive and have kraken-like mouths.

    These names originate from the ancient Murkellan words:
    "Aul" (Legend) "Gehril" (Small) "Khura" (Mind) and "Crah" (Power)

    Wall of Text about Aul 'Khura

    The Aul 'Khura are a species of Shrakellian.
    Shrakellians are large airborne creatures with many tendrils and tentacles hanging down from it's body, a vulnerable, intelligent brain, multiple glowing eyes and powerful jaws. Also, all Shrakellians drop gooey DNA down from their tendrils onto the ground of the great Umbirswuh, which might spawn new baby Shrakellians.

    The Aul 'Khura are indigenous to the planet Umbirswuh.
    Umbirswuh is a very swampy planet. All it's foliage and most of it's life is a dark reddish purple. This, combined with the fact that lots of dead creatures bones, spiky thorns, and thick skin on the plants makes this look almost like a jungle of meat. It has very tall peaks and most of the ponds, oceans or lakes go thousands of meters down, so if you sink here you'll either be eaten and/or dead by the time you stop. The water is a dark brown, since the atmosphere is almost invisible and you always see the stars. The planet contains millions of different lifeforms, in fact, more than triple of earth's! There are actually not one, but two sentient species here.

    The Murkellans are almost humanoid, but not quite. They have very thin skin most places, but they have very unique attributes, if a sword goes through their chest they will feel almost no pain, and as long as their brain isn't hurt they can heal within seconds. Believe it or not, the mushroom like growth on their heads are actually the things that heal it. Instead of blood, Murkellans have roots coming down from the growth that delivers tons of air and nutrients to everywhere in their body, and they can even take a lot of it's special hormones, to heal almost any wound! They do not wear clothes but do sometimes put thorns and brambles covering themselves to fend off enemies or predators. Their finger like limbs are very long and have holes at the tip, which allow them to shoot poisonous stingers from them. Pretty cool right? They have been known to form burrow cities, almost like a colony of ants, but much bigger, because the average Murkellan is about 9 feet tall.

    The other sentient species are the Shrakellians. All of them are very, very intelligent. For the Gehril Subsection, their brains are about the size of an adult human. The Aul 'Khura and Aul 'Crahs though, their brains are almost the size of a large car! The brains of these species are exposed to the sky because they are always very high up and almost nothing can be above them, so they normally don't get hurt there. The massive machines that are their brains have thousands of different parts. They can do and feel things that no human ever can. One of the things they don't know how to do though is communicate with each other. Some of the amazing things they can do with their brains include, being able to see everything around themselves. Their glowing eyes are almost everywhere, and since their brains vision function is so evolved it can look everywhere at once. They can also read mind. No, this is not a fairy tale where it knows what you are thinking, what I mean is this. The 'Khura section use their drill like mouths and bounce off "Domino" particles which will infiltrate into the nerve flow of a creature and know what it will do, so if you see one of these Khura blowing their drill at you, don't use melee weapons because they can dodge anything that you do with your body. This is why guns are so effective against them. Also, they fly or "float" in the air because they have huge gas organs which collect the atmosphere and use it to shoot out gas from in between the tentacles under itself and make it float. Their skin is very hard but has thousands of holes which can also give air to the gas organs.

    The Aul 'Khura are neutral.
    Unlike the 'Crah Shrakellians, the Aul 'Khura will not attack you on sight. They will only attack if you threaten (attack) them first. They are very dangerous, as their body has evolved for almost any situation. The best way to attack them is with a fast firing gun, because they can dodge almost any melee attack, and if the gun is slow firing they can usually dodge that too. Rocket launchers don't work either, and shotguns don't work because you have to aim for the brain or gas organs.

    Some of their attacks are such as the following:

    The Aul 'Khura shoots a gust of domino at the player, which allows them to know exactly where you are going to move and dodge almost any attack besides with a gun.

    -Ace of Jokers
    The Aul 'Khura shoots a gust of strange particles at the player, which render you unable to control yourself for a few seconds.

    The Aul 'Khura uses this when close to a player. It will charge at you and mess up your organs and sh*t which will drain your health very quickly with excessive bleeding from the everywhere. This attack is kindof easy to dodge but if you don't you're almost instantly dead, especially works well if you are under the Ace of Jokers.

    The Aul 'Khura uses it's tendrils at medium range to suck your face off, and grabs your armor or weapons from you. Better fry that tentacle before it gets you! The sucking of faces makes you almost blind for a few seconds.

    The Aul 'Crah though is very aggressive and has all the same attacks except instead of Drillits it will use it's vampiric mouth and rip you apart. Which does quite some damage.

    The Aul 'Khura have cool drops.
    The Aul 'Khura will have some pretty unique loot if you actually manage to kill it. This includes some of it's powerful skin, which can be made into armor or put on mechs, it's powerful metal used in the drill, and much more listed below.

    -Thick Umbir Tissue
    This is the skin covering the Shrakellians. It is the thickest Umbir Tissue, but most of the creatures and plants on Umbirswuh have either normal or thin, except the Murkellans which have extremely thin. This can be used to make excellant armor and sold for tons of pixels.

    -Khura Drill
    This is the powerful organ of metal that looks like a drill. It can either be studied or molten down into a powerful metal, which can also be mined VERY RARELY on the actual planet, Umbirswuh. This metal is perfect for mechs, weapons and armor/shields. It is very heavy but if you make a hollow shape like the drill of the 'Khura, it can be pretty light and still almost as indestructible as before.

    -Red Tendrils
    These are the tendrils and tentacles on the Shrakellians, which can be fried to make a ton of space-sushi. Sells pretty good at intergalactic wall-marts.

    -Brainy Mush
    This is the large brain of the Shrakellian. It can be studied to find out a lot about evolution and make your body better, or it can be boiled for many powerful healing soups. Only allowed to be sold at the black market though, not integalactic wall-marts.

    -Glowy Thingie-ma-bober
    These are the eyes, which can be used to make powerful lights or just taxidermy'd. You can fry them too, but it's highly poisonous.
  2. Fishbertus

    Fishbertus Zeromus

    Awesome bro, this is what I got done on the sprite so far:
    Monster Monster Sprite.png
    And yes guys, I am the person who did art for this idea. We are super close friends :p There is also another one of my friends coming to the contest but he wants to do his own art. I think. And don't tell him when he does come but I don't really like his idea.

    EDIT: Finished, resizing.
    Monster Monster Sprite.png

    EDIT: Done.
    Monster Monster Sprite.png
    Preety cool amiraight?
    Maplestrip likes this.
  3. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Pretty awesome request. No wonder Fish wants this one to win...
    Good luck on the competition, I see a good chance for you to get in the top 3 ; )
  4. Fishbertus

    Fishbertus Zeromus

    Oh yeah, I think the top three should be these (in no order)

    My Entry (duh, who doesn't want a free copy of the best game ever)
    Secret Agent Ohno's Entry
  5. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Portabrain. Another name to search :rofl:
  6. Wow, That's really cool. You've got a good chance at winning, it seems to me.
  7. Fishbertus

    Fishbertus Zeromus

    Yeah, I don't really like it because it's competing very well against mine and SAO's, but I do think it's a great idea.
  8. Red Space Monkey

    Red Space Monkey Phantasmal Quasar

    Cool sprite is cool. You got a hand for this.
  9. Cacame

    Cacame Phantasmal Quasar

    Spotted the overlord inspiration straight away. Nice monster too.
  10. Fishbertus

    Fishbertus Zeromus

    Yeah we were playing Starcraft 2 together and he thought hey I have a cool idea for the Starbound contest!
  11. SAO

    SAO 2.7182818284590...

    Hey guys, I'm back.
    Any ideas for a name?
  12. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Is that good enough? Just kiddin, of course... I have no ideas :S
  13. HazardJake

    HazardJake Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't forget to research the speed upgrade ;)
  14. Fishbertus

    Fishbertus Zeromus

    Started working on this:

    Monster Monster Planet Sprite.png
    Awesome planet ftw!

  15. Narutoman

    Narutoman Void-Bound Voyager

    Nicely well done, gotta give u props
  16. Fishbertus

    Fishbertus Zeromus

    You like the art? I made it ;)
  17. Narutoman

    Narutoman Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes i do, its superbly amazing, Love It :love:
  18. Fishbertus

    Fishbertus Zeromus

    Thanks :love:
    I kinda like this one more than my own (and spent more time on it :p)
  19. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Can't wait to see more of that planet finished =)
  20. Fishbertus

    Fishbertus Zeromus

    Well, I actually restarted the planet into a meat planet so the one with the monster's gunna take some time.

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