Port Forwarding Answers

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Coffeeman, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Socksy

    Socksy Intergalactic Tourist

    Where the jeebies is the assets folder?
  2. kokobean22

    kokobean22 Big Damn Hero

    I'm trying to portforward using my netgear router. I set a static ip, set up the proper port, and went over the awesome video to try and get this working, but so far no dice.
    When I try to connect to the server with my external ip it gives the cannot connect error.
    Joining the server using my internal ip allows me in, but obviously won't let anyone else in.
    Due to the restrictions on Hamachi, I would really like to be able to actually port forward.
    Thanks in advance
  3. Knifepoint

    Knifepoint Space Spelunker

    when trying to run the server it just stays on scanning for router port forwarding. ive already added the port to my netgear router but still cant connect to localhost, my internal ip or external ip.
  4. Lethal Clone

    Lethal Clone Void-Bound Voyager

    How long are you waiting? It takes a minute for me.
  5. Knifepoint

    Knifepoint Space Spelunker

    5 mins or more
  6. RolanDecoy

    RolanDecoy Space Hobo

    I had this same problem. The solution was to open starbound.cfg in the latest build folder (for me that was giraffe_storage), and look for the entry "queryServerBind". Enter the servers LOCAL IP address in the : "" behind that like so: "queryServerBind" : "", where is your actual IP address. Save and restart the server.

    You port forwarding should reflect this same IP address, and setting this value in the CFG will bind the server to that IP address, since most PC's have more than 1 IP address and it can take a while for the program to detect all of them, not to mention a valid one.
  7. prowl102

    prowl102 Space Hobo

    Can someone please send me a link to the correct hamachi? I respect my computer and not accidentally download a virus.
  8. AuroraRosewood

    AuroraRosewood Void-Bound Voyager

    heyhey! me and my brother want to make a small server like max 20. But i was kinda worried about the security we allready have a server with a port accesable (no password yet i would also like to know some things about passwords).
    So does anyone know anything if the portforwarding with password is safe ? or do i have to do some other things to make it more safe?? i do not want my pc to get hacked or something.

    this was our plan for security so far:

    - make a account on our website
    - send a application
    - application gets declined by us or accepted
    - person gets on white list and receives a password ( is it possible for us to give a password only useable by one person? or can we only have 1 password for all the people)
    - person will be blocked etc if he's greaving or anything

    please help us out! you can also send me a personal message about this if you want, thx you:casper::DD
  9. apinanaivot

    apinanaivot Cosmic Narwhal

    Hello, I tried to portfoward but it does not work, I used http://canyouseeme.org/ to test if the portfoward was working but it was not. Here is a picture of the portfoward, Does anyone know why it is not working.
  10. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Was the server running when you tested? Ports only open when actually in use.
  11. Merciful_Cthulhu

    Merciful_Cthulhu Space Spelunker

    THANKZ BRO MY IP IS 74983 please dont ddos
  12. tytu124

    tytu124 Big Damn Hero

    this best info thank you i had no problems
  13. KaleShibata12

    KaleShibata12 Phantasmal Quasar

    (NetworkException) cannot connect to A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

    when I look in my log file this is what it tells me. I have already used my IPV4 to portforward on a Hitron Technologies router.
    using my 'dynamic' i[p address (My account's ip address you could say) does not work either. however hilariously I can use this connection with my 3DS with no issues, my cell phone doesn't technecally count and no other online game seems to block me from joining or having people join me so far.

    edit: turns out the ipv4 was entered wrong on the third number...now I can get in. trying to figure out why my friends can't though. EDIT 2 :I'm an idiot and gave them my local...nevermind! I figured it out....stupid me...
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
  14. NeoslayerX

    NeoslayerX Big Damn Hero

    I know this is ancient and you probably don't exist anymore, but could you consider checking this thread out on Terraria forums?


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