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my biggest concern about this game..

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by matthieu, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. sweetcheeks

    sweetcheeks Aquatic Astronaut

    The Glitch sound like the robots from Code of the Lifemaker. (Very good read IMO)

    An advanced civilization sent out self replicating robotic factories. One of these passed too close to a supernova which altered the programming and damaged the ship. The ship drifted through space eventually crash landing on Titan (One of Saturn's moons) and the robots began replicating and evolving, eventually becoming self-aware. When the Taloids were discovered by humans, the robot society was at a point in their history similar to our own medieval past.

    They also featured a reproductive mechanism where a "male" and "female" robot would go and download their programming at one of the factories which would create their child. They had no knowledge of how the process actually worked or how to build their own offspring, similar to humans of that era.

    Despite how outlandish medieval robots sounds, it's been done before. Having read the book, the Glitch seemed perfectly reasonable.
  2. claudekennilol

    claudekennilol Space Kumquat

    If this is your biggest problem with the game I wish I could be in your shoes.
  3. Letalis

    Letalis Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The Breakdown in a nutshell:

    Humans = Baseline, uninteresting character (as is in most games with alien races)
    Hyotls = Asian, Water dwellers (Which is somewhat racist if you think about it)
    Florians = Combine Klingons with Dryads (Which is pretty amusing, one of the few games to take the dryad like species in a direction aside from peace loving hippies)
    Apex = Planet of the apes (Watch the movies)
    Glitch = Sentient AI Species who is stuck in the dark ages (Yet again, more irony)
    Novakid = Not implemented yet, so not sure what to make of them
  4. hungrycookpot

    hungrycookpot Seal Broken

    Your spaceship runs on fucking coal, and this is your problem with the game?
    Anhita and RynCage like this.
  5. DiscordDave

    DiscordDave Void-Bound Voyager

    I think this one word sums up the Glitch and the Apex quite well.

    World English Dictionary
    anachronism (əˈnækrəˌnɪzəm)

    — n
    1. the representation of an event, person, or thing in a historical context in which it could not have occurred or existed
    2. a person or thing that belongs or seems to belong to another time: she regards the Church as an anachronism

    [C17: from Latin anachronismus, from Greek anakhronismos a mistake in chronology, from anakhronizein to err in a time reference, from ana- + khronos time]


    — adj


    — adv
  6. Mafa

    Mafa Tentacle Wrangler

    Well inst that the fun in video games?if i wanted logic id play fifa or some stuff like that.
  7. GundamZphyr7

    GundamZphyr7 Big Damn Hero

    Well, this thread gave me a good laugh.
  8. Noxxionm

    Noxxionm Master Chief

    Yeah lets make boring old robots that have nothing unique about them.
  9. Lenney

    Lenney Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, you know, like Data from Star Trek... so boring and uninspired.
  10. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    Oh my god, my sides. that just made me having the biggest laugh. Oh geez.

    I personally find the glitch in a perfectly fine place. The most interesting of all the races too imo.
  11. Lenney

    Lenney Void-Bound Voyager

    Just one of many. I definitely can't agree that this is my biggest concern, but I believe it kind of stems from it. My biggest concern is the lack of sci-fi elements in general. This game feels more like a fantasy game in space.
  12. Arceale

    Arceale Void-Bound Voyager

    This complete avoidance/flipping over of stereotypes when it comes to characterizing whole races is a great idea that I always wanted to see.

    No more tech-advanced robots, no more peaceful plant people. This feels fresh, and gives "life" to the game.
  13. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Remember too, your glitch is different. Truly self aware. It DOES live in a scifi bunker if it wants.

    The others are still stuck in a glitched looping program that keeps them mentally acting like they are in the middle ages.
    They don't question why they don't use the tech they build other glitches by, to advanced technologically.. they follow the program.
    Arceale likes this.
  14. Exxion

    Exxion King Homestuck V

    Because both would fit Novakids better.
  15. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    About the Cowboy hat.... I have seen on in game though.
  16. Ironclad-Oni

    Ironclad-Oni Poptop Tamer

    The way I see it is this: the vast majority of the Glitch are no more intelligent than a robotic arm in a car factory (maybe intelligent isn't the proper word to use, but they are certainly no more likely to invent or think of new ideas/technologies than the robotic arm); so, we can think of the Glitch as a society as being similar to gigantic factory that is capable of gathering its own resources and making repairs to the machinery, but not in upgrading the factory lines or developing new cars to produce.

    If we were to take this example and apply it to a factory on Earth, and leave said factory running on its own without any outside input for 100 years, it wouldn't suddenly begin making flying cars or anything like that, it would simply keep on doing as it was programmed to, making Honda Civics or whatever car it was programmed to produce without even the slightest thought of something different.
    Giibl3ts, Felonious and Arceale like this.
  17. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    Trade the word valid for subjective.
  18. Ashgan

    Ashgan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    this one?
  19. Lenney

    Lenney Void-Bound Voyager

    Aren't all concerns subjective? Your logic defeats itself.
  20. DeadFingers

    DeadFingers Void-Bound Voyager


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