Pixel Monsters..

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by 1nk-kp0, Sep 30, 2012.


Who is better?

  1. 1

    26 vote(s)
  2. 2

    8 vote(s)
  3. 3

    23 vote(s)
  4. 4

    35 vote(s)
  1. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    Fresh batch of pixel monsters:



  2. Flappi

    Flappi Space Penguin Leader

    Did you make these yourself? They are amazing!
  3. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    wow awsome...seems like it would fit igame..tough the last one looks a bit too colorful for me:giggle:
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  4. Flappi

    Flappi Space Penguin Leader

    I like that one a lot but I see how it looks a bit colourful.
    creepwolf likes this.
  5. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    Yes, I make it)
    creepwolf likes this.
  6. Flappi

    Flappi Space Penguin Leader

    Mind if I request one perhaps?
  7. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    I'm still going to draw more of these monsters, so go ahead, tell (Google Translate, if something not correct)
  8. Flappi

    Flappi Space Penguin Leader

    My avatar in a starbound-y theme with a griffin style body but with scales; and a devil's tail.
  9. третий хорош
    #3 is Cthulhu's pet:)
  10. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    I'm afraid I can not get out as much as you can imagine. provide details
  11. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    только сегодня сделал. как радует, когда видишь родные буквы, и не надо лезть в переводчик..)
    I make it today)
  12. Flappi

    Flappi Space Penguin Leader

    Just do any random creature then, I don't mind.
  13. I try to 'xplain
    Он хочет монстра с лицом как у него на авке, телом грифона, покрытым чешуёй, и с хвостом демона (со "стрелочкой", наверное)
    Flappi likes this.
  14. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    okey, tomorrow in your page will avatar)
    Flappi likes this.
  15. 1nk-kp0

    1nk-kp0 Sandwich Man

    ага спасибо) А то с переводчиком фиг че поймешь.)
    Thank you)
  16. Flappi

    Flappi Space Penguin Leader

    Thank you. :)
  17. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Just add them to this thread when you make new :) I like nr. 3 the most, but they are all good. I do think that 4 is a little colourful too.
  18. Jensen

    Jensen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Love the monster with the Visorb head <3
  19. DylzGriffin

    DylzGriffin Void-Bound Voyager

    The second one! Looks like a wingless Griffin!
  20. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    First one rocks. :up:

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