Modding Basics p1 - Editing Vanilla Files v1.4

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by The | Suit, Dec 12, 2014.

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  1. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Notepad++ also handles RegEx - simply press the radio button on the bottom left of search
    The addded advantage double clicking in the results open the text in notepad directly saving an extra step.
    InflamedSebi likes this.
  2. InflamedSebi

    InflamedSebi Void-Bound Voyager

    OH! Wtf ... I'm using Notepad since more than 4 years for coding (json/ruby/batch/yaml/ etc) and never recognized it has explorer search ...

    it's slower for me than grep is but everything else is almost the same ... i wish notepad++ would work on linux without emulators :/
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I heard ViM

    Is suppose to be a good option for linux.
  4. InflamedSebi

    InflamedSebi Void-Bound Voyager

    well I already use vim or vi on my unix machine but its not leightweight ... notepad works out of the box with no configuration ... but vim .... let's not talk about it .... last time i had to setup my machine and reconfigured vim, it took me more than 3 days .... :p
  5. Starmaker111

    Starmaker111 Intergalactic Tourist

    Very Nice Tutorial, but I'm having an issue, can you help me ??? When I start starbound it happens:
    And sorry for my bad english
  6. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Starmaker111 likes this.
  7. Starmaker111

    Starmaker111 Intergalactic Tourist

    Here is my problem :

    Caused by: (JsonParsingException) Cannot parse json file: /items/generic/crafting/coalore.item
    StarException::StarException(string, exception)
    _Function_handler<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> (), Assets::loadVariant(String)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    Assets::processAssetData(function<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> ()>)

    I curretly cant solve this problem alone :wut:
  8. AstralGhost

    AstralGhost Pangalactic Porcupine

    As the errors state, you broke the coalore.item file. (AKA: "coal") What did you do to break this? No one can tell you without more information.
    Starmaker111 likes this.
  9. Starmaker111

    Starmaker111 Intergalactic Tourist

    I made a patch file for the coal, I didnt modified the coalore.item
    Here is the code of the patch
    "itemName" : "coalore",
    "rarity" : "Common",
    "inventoryIcon" : "coalore.png",
    "description" : "luelueluedauhdashudsauhasdhas",
    "shortdescription" : "Super Coal",
    "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "gunpowder" ]
  10. InflamedSebi

    InflamedSebi Void-Bound Voyager

    well actually this is not a patch .... seems like you mixed up dirty editing & patching.

    a patchfile always starts with a "[" and ends with a "]", also you are completely missing the patch operations ... add / replace / etc
    There is a pretty good Tutorial >here<

    Please read the tutorial first and then (if it is still not working) ask for Help ...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
    AstralGhost and Starmaker111 like this.
  11. Starmaker111

    Starmaker111 Intergalactic Tourist

    OHH, thanks !!! It worked !!!
    Sorry for my mistake, I think it happened becausa my english is bad and I didnt understand the tutorial very well... But now I understand!
    I will read the tutorial!
    Serious, you helped me a lot , thank you again!
    AstralGhost likes this.
  12. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Modinfo file can be named anything, as I just confirmed by making successfully making a modpack of a mod with a modinfo file named "Improved Bodies Modpack.modinfo". Please rectify this error in the OP. I knew this limitation was patched out of the modpack system ages ago.
  13. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Thanks for reminding me.
    I knew it was possible - but I forgot to ask the devs is they haven't enforced it due to the lack of server \ to client file transfer capability yet.
    Sent a message off to metadept. Will update accordingly.
  14. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    What do you mean?
  15. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Well to be honest - I am not 100% sure it was enforced in the first place and removed later.
    Many times things are not removed but the restrictions relaxed until the function becomes available.

    If they say - they just changed the way pak files are handled. I will update accordingly.
    Yet if they say they are going to introduce it again in the future - really doesn't make much difference if it stays then since folder - name would be mod name.
    An pak files packaged in modpak would not be seen.
  16. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Updated to Version 1.3

    Added Extra Information on packaging with description of what "mod name" does in packaging.
    Also made a correction to modinfo - thanks Mackinz
  17. beatshack

    beatshack Orbital Explorer

    Awesome tutorial.

    I was wondering if I could get some help here: I'm doing a 'dirty edit' (for self only), I've got the file largequadruped.monstertype saved in the proper folder structure ( /giraffe_storage/mods/CaptureBigMonsters/monsters/ground/largequadruped/) and I've added "/monsters/ground/captiveState.lua", to baseParamters, but I'm still not able to capture Large Quadruped monsters with the capture balls.

    I'm not even sure if captiveState.lua script is what makes monsters capture-able, I'm kind of guessing here.
  18. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Not really sure, you may want to check out this mod

    The code is pretty old - but the basic concept should still be the same.
    You will need to figure out how they did it and do the needful
  19. beatshack

    beatshack Orbital Explorer

    Good find, I'll check it out and see if I can figure out what they did
  20. beatshack

    beatshack Orbital Explorer

    I'm so close... now the large monsters do start to go into captured state animation when you throw a pod at them.. but then it CTD's with no error message. :(
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