[MOB] Space Whale

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Dragonith, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]
    Space Whale
    Fortregrinus levias ("Brave Wandering Leviathan")
    One of the most spectacular sights seen in the great expanse of the galaxies, the Space Whale is truly a sight to be seen. A gentle giant, it inspires awe in many explorers across the stars.

    The Space Whale, is one of the first known discovered solariformes (Or "Solar-Users"), creatures that run on solar energy to move. The Space Whale in this case, has stars infused with its body to absorb a natural star's blessings. During the first twenty-four hours, a Space Whale flies in orbit around a planet's stratosphere, absorbing the sunlight. When night falls, they descend into the dark to feed. A Space Whale's diet consists mainly of space debris and their natural rivals, the Cephantoms. Although the mighty cephalopods are evasive, Space Whales have a built in weapon that stops them dead in their tracks. Aside from granting it motion, the stars infused with their bodies are able to blast a bright light akin to a giant flashlight. The whales use these lights to patrol the skies of the planets they encircle, and use it to stun Cephantoms upon sight. The inner chambers of a Space Whale are insanely dense, preventing even a Cephantom from escaping. Even when caught, Cephantoms will fight within the belly for hours before slowly being digested into an Ectoplasmic pulp.

    Space Whales are highly social animals, often travelling in medium-sized pods. An entire pod could cause many disruptions to nightly hours on some planets just due to their feeding habits.

    There are also cases of Space Whales becoming stranded on planets due to their solar energy being drained or intense gravitational pull. It is decreed by the Galactic Federation that citizens assist in helping the colossal animals back into the skies as soon as possible.

    Space Whales are valued highly for their blubber and Ectoplasm reserves, although hunting is prohibited in most sectors where they thrive. Such items are only found commonly in the Black Market.

    Related Suggestion:

    [​IMG]Codex: Space Whales I
    "These colossal megafauna are quite the sight to behold. While their marine-like biology suggests a strict underwater life, Space Whales are found to be more at home in the starry skies above as they mature. They produce their own natural light to illuminate the darkness of both space and the deep seas with an ominous glow."

    "Note: The Galactic Safety Bureau is not to be held responsible if you're stupid enough to fight a Space Whale. Getting crushed by a mountain of alien blubber is not covered under your insurance."

    Screenshot (Fake):

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
  2. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer


    O Well.... opening Sony Vegas.....

    Reminds of me of the Wind Fish a bit.
  3. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Ok, I'm guessing that those "symbols" on its stomach is some kind of navigational system for it as it tours the universe....

    You know, if this thing is big enough, it could be a rather interesting mini-dungeon in space.
  4. The whale-like creatures from the LoZ series were one of my inspirations when I made this actually. In particular, Levias from Skyward Sword. :rofl:
    Added the proper info in the description for ya.~

    Possibly not too intricate of a dungeon, as Space Whale intestines are pretty straight forward lol.
  5. I thought your pics looked a bit nintedoey.
    (That's a word now. Deal with it.)
  6. NotAnAnon

    NotAnAnon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    space whale..... Wouldn't it be cool if they made a side quest where there were people hunting a white space whale and you had to help them.(kind of like mpby dick except in space) and the space fishermen searching for it got injured by this moby-dick like whale. And so you started searching for it and had to fight the whale as a mini boss and save the fishermen.
  7. Joxalot

    Joxalot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That thing on its chin are star?!
    That's nuts! No, that's beyond nuts!

    Thats SPACE NUTS!
    NotAnAnon likes this.
  8. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    Will the stars on his chin ever create a supernova?
  9. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There needs to be a junior-assistant-adjustant space whale scrubber 3rd class.
  10. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm. I like the idea of prohibited hunting.
  11. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    I am forever jealous of your arting skills. :notworthy:
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  12. Where's my Lazor Harpoon?!:sparta:

    Seriously, pal, you're inexhaustible!:iswydt:
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  13. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    I like it just for the relative insanity.
  14. Oh910

    Oh910 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dragonith, my friend, you never fail to impress with this beautiful artwork, intense lore, and epic ideas in general... good job.
  15. bounding star

    bounding star Existential Complex

    looks like mountains on top of the whale, could you live on it
  16. Soron

    Soron Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like, it's a great idea, I take!:V
  17. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    Lol you finally drew it!!!!
  18. Zaba35

    Zaba35 Phantasmal Quasar

    I love whales so much there just so elegant and creepy and huge this is such a cool idea :D
    also dont forget they need to make real whale sounds cus that's coolest part about whales!!!
  19. Probably on death. Wouldn't wanna stick around to find out myself. xP
    Perhaps. Although, you'll be constantly under the threat of Cephantom attacks. ;)
    Yep! xD

    Thanks for the comments guys! :DD
  20. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Dat epic artwork.This look HUGE,how could it be a mob?

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