HotKeys, and a pause

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by aerionop, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. aerionop

    aerionop Big Damn Hero

    So, we need more shortcut keys to interact with the UI, and we need to be able to rebind every single one of these, this is a PC game after all.

    The teleporter needs it's own key in the game world, pressing Tab inside a menu Character/crafting/journal/etc. should switch between that menu's tabs.

    And here's the most important thing, either pause the game while not in the foreground, pause it while the Exit menu is up, or give us a Pause key. It's fine if the game doesn't pause while in multiplayer, but I can't be arsed to save and exit the game every time I'm doing something else because a horde of monsters might gang up on me while I'm not looking.

    Pause key, now.
    kakar0t, Cdecarlos, Liktorn and 3 others like this.
  2. danopian

    danopian Poptop Tamer

    I agree that a pause button in single-player, or pausing on the Esc. menu, would be very welcome, and perhaps a toggle to pause on the Inventory screen (and other menus) or not.

    Configurable hot-keys and controls in general would also be very welcome.

    Thanks folks!
  3. Wice

    Wice Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, seperate options for pausing on menus and pausing when the window is inactive would be nice!
  4. Caedwyn

    Caedwyn Void-Bound Voyager

    These would be nice, indeed. I particularly want an option to change all keybindings. As a left-hander, I'm so confused and disoriented whenever I use WASD.
    Truthowl and Liktorn like this.
  5. Tiev

    Tiev Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Really? I'm a left hander and I'd be horribly confused if I didn't use WASD.
  6. dyze

    dyze Aquatic Astronaut

    so as a leftie ..having jump on space and inventory on 'i' isnt an inconvinience for you?

    +1 for pause
    +1 for keybinds (cant believe its not in the game..)
    Jonofwrath likes this.
  7. Jonofwrath

    Jonofwrath Master Chief

    Truthowl likes this.
  8. Caedwyn

    Caedwyn Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes. I've never used WASD until now. I've always used something else.
  9. Doc Honcho

    Doc Honcho Big Damn Hero

    Inventory on I is an inconvenience for everybody, even if they won't admit it. You have to move you whole hand from the movement keys to use it. Pretty much any key on the right side of the keyboard is awful.
    Truthowl likes this.
  10. Phantom5582

    Phantom5582 Phantasmal Quasar

    I have to agree with Pausing and custom key bindings. If it wasn't for the hunger system, I wouldn't have to worry about leaving the gaming going.
  11. onifey

    onifey Master Chief

  12. Doc Honcho

    Doc Honcho Big Damn Hero

    I did too until somewhere along the line I started using tab, I think in minecraft, and the I key for inventory was cast upon the ash heap of history.
  13. woodat

    woodat Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm sure jumping and, er... inventorying is why evolution gave me a pinky. Looks a little silly, and I'm sure it's done irreparable damage to my right hand, but after so many years one has gotten used to it. ;) I just want you righties to remember that and feel guilt for having so encumbered your left handed brethren :p

    But add yet another +1 for pause and keybinds! We needs em bad
  14. Liktorn

    Liktorn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm not a lefty, but I hate the wasd keys. I like the "standard typing grip" , index fingers on "f" and "j". Then you have a lot more keys to work with with your pinky. And I don't have to change grip for typing. Never understood why WASD and not ESDF (which I use) became the "standard gaming grip"
  15. rocketcarlo

    rocketcarlo Poptop Tamer

    I ask this question here, 'cos I can't find an answer with the Search.

    Is it possible to save? 'cos right now on my first planet interesting stuffs are days far from home and from the re-spawning point. It would be very nice to be able to save a game in progress. So far for that I know I can only teleport back to the ship or die and again I'm back on the ship. Or walk all the way through the world 'till something happen, and in my case that requires quite some time, with several cycle of day and night (a whole day on my planet takes 28 minutes).
  16. PanConQueso

    PanConQueso Yeah, You!

    I was mining and I had to leave... When I came back I had starved to death 3 times...
  17. scadam526

    scadam526 Space Hobo

    +1 for pause

    As it is now, if the phone rings or dinner needs to come out of the oven at the wrong time... you die. You have to be able to pause somehow.
    Silveressa likes this.
  18. themrpiggy22

    themrpiggy22 Pangalactic Porcupine

    [Upbeat Giraffe]

    The 'No Pause system' is ok if you are just playing, as you can beam up to your ship and be safe but when you are doing a mission and you don't want to lose progress by going to ship it really sucks.

    Personally I hate games with no pausing, but Starbound is so fun!!

    For now I guess we can just use /admin to prevent damage...
  19. Silveressa

    Silveressa Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just tossing my 2 cents in here that a pause button would be deeply appreciated, since real life can become unexpectedly bothersome at times and trying to find a safe spot/location when you need to take the dog out or otherwise leave the game in the middle of planetary exploration/minding would be deeply appreciated, especially since without one hard core mode would likely prove more frustrating than fun.

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