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Don't give early access to big youtubers

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Skippy3, Jul 4, 2013.

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  1. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Drops in the bucket compared to big name games. Theres far more out there, and they are shooting for those who they havn't gotten hooked yet. So it kinda does..
  2. Heresy

    Heresy Master Chief

    Yeah, because trying to get as high as shit like EA/Ubisoft/Beth' and so on is sure as hell a good idea when you're as small as Chucklefish.

    Trust me they can be really proud of what they already achieved.
    Pingeh likes this.
  3. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Well, the devs have already stated in this thread that $1.5 million isn't enough for them, and that they need more money, and that they need more publicity so that they can get more money.
  4. Ahhhhhhhhhh because people are saying a lot of things that a) aren't true b) are common misconceptions, I am going to re-post everything I've said in here so far, and I hope it'll serve as some sort of decent Q&A about why press gets early access, why that is the industry standard, why games like Starbound still need advertising, why release date sales are incredibly important, etc. Then I am going to lock this thread so everyone can see it and calm down, because there is really nowhere else this discussion can go. The truth is the truth, as someone mentioned earlier. PM me if you have further questions.


    I hope this is helpful.
    JennShii, somers27, tassina and 21 others like this.
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