1. Note: Nightly builds are not officially supported and things that appear broken might actually just be broken with no way of fixing it, but community members may still be willing to assist you with common problems.

Resolved Starbound nightly - close while loading

Discussion in 'Nightly Builds Support' started by kusioo, Nov 8, 2014.

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  1. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Has anyone tried severedskullz's advice to see if that helped?
  2. foefaller

    foefaller Void-Bound Voyager

    Yup, and it didn't work, same as before

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    Info: Pre-loading Star::Root with 2 assets sources
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/user'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Rampaging Koala - Update 1' Protocol: 661
    Info: Running from : C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\Starbound\win32\starbound.exe
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Finishing loading Star::Root...
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Created initial window 1000x600
    Info: Renderer initialized
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Renderer destroyed
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1280x968
    Info: Renderer initialized
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Renderer destroyed
    Also tried starbound server, both before and after moving the file to desktop, and this is what I get:

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound_server.config'
    Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    Info: Pre-loading Star::Root with 2 assets sources
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/user'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Finishing loading Star::Root...
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound_server.config'
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Server version 'Beta v. Rampaging Koala - Update 1', protocol 661
    Info: Running from : D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound_server.exe
    Info: UniverseServer: Creating universe storage directory
    Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    Info: UniverseServer: Creating world 98718560:47303274:6616458:6:3 
    Info: Placing dungeon naturalcave
    Info: Generating dungeon naturalcave (NOT FORCED)
    Info: Placing dungeon at (2475, 602)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: talljar1 direction: 0 position: (2606, 424)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodencrate1 direction: 0 position: (2608, 424)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: metalbarrel1 direction: 1 position: (2610, 424)
    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound_server.config'
    Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    Info: Pre-loading Star::Root with 2 assets sources
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/user'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Finishing loading Star::Root...
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound_server.config'
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Server version 'Beta v. Rampaging Koala - Update 1', protocol 661
    Info: Running from : C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\Starbound\win32\starbound_server.exe
    Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ..\universe\universe.chunks
    Warn: Recovery finished
    Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ..\universe\playerCodex.db
    Warn: Recovery finished
    Info: UniverseServer: Creating world -83031395:25549340:-10119094:6:6 
    Info: Placing dungeon naturalcave
    Info: Generating dungeon naturalcave (NOT FORCED)
    Info: Placing dungeon at (2606, 605)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodencrate1 direction: 1 position: (2525, 548)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: bunkercrate direction: 0 position: (2529, 548)
    Error: Access violation detected at 0x7c929f07 (Read of address 0)
    Error: Access violation detected at 0x7c902a9d (Read of address 0xc7e58955)
  3. Caelann

    Caelann Void-Bound Voyager

    Does anyone know what those access violations mean? Do they pinpoint the source of the problem?
  4. No. Could mean a variety of things. Null pointers, memory being accessed outside of the program, etc.

    The fact that now access violations are showing up means it helped...
    Could you guys reinstall your DirectX installations? Short of that I don't know what's going on with all of your machines.
  5. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Out of curiousity, has anyone tried the OpenGL version? Do you get any extra info in your logs when you do?
  6. foefaller

    foefaller Void-Bound Voyager

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Pre-loading Star::Root with 2 assets sources
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/user'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Rampaging Koala - Update 1' Protocol: 661
    Info: Running from : D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound_opengl.exe
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Finishing loading Star::Root...
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: OpenGL version: '4.4.0 NVIDIA 344.48' vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2/3DNOW!' shader: '4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler'
    Info: Created initial window 1000x600
    Info: Renderer initialized
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Renderer destroyed
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: OpenGL version: '4.4.0 NVIDIA 344.48' vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2/3DNOW!' shader: '4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler'
    Info: Re-created window 1280x968
    Info: Renderer initialized
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Renderer destroyed
    Error: Access violation detected at 0x7c929f07 (Read of address 0x59a5ad84)
    So... not really, if severedskullz is right and access violation is the computer equivalent of telling the mechanic you hear a funny noise in your car. Though I seem to get them more often with OpenGL attempts than standard.

    Has the requirements for Starbound changed with the nightly build? Specifically OS/DX? Maybe not officially, but I wouldn't be surprised if making sure that the nightly build runs on an OS that had it's support ended is not a top priority when pushing them out.
  7. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Still no joy with the latest build?
  8. Ryukoma

    Ryukoma Tentacle Wrangler

    Nop, not yet...
    kusioo likes this.
  9. foefaller

    foefaller Void-Bound Voyager

    It... it... it loaded!!!! I got to make a character!

    Will update if/when I actually get to playing.

    EDIT: took a long time (guess it was creating the world), but I'm now playing the starbound nightly!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
    severedskullz likes this.
  10. kusioo

    kusioo Void-Bound Voyager

    Wow, I will download it and try, hope it will work for me too :)

    And... It's finaly working! Yay, I'm so happy :)
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
    severedskullz likes this.
  11. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Glad to hear it!

    @Sales_Kital @Muratsan @Ryukoma Have you tried the latest Nightly build yet? Seems that it may be working for some people now. Please post back whether it's working or not, if not, please also post a copy of your starbound.log (may be another issue going on).
    severedskullz likes this.
  12. Muratsan

    Muratsan Poptop Tamer

    Everything works, thanks
    severedskullz likes this.
  13. So my question.... what the hell changed?
  14. Ryukoma

    Ryukoma Tentacle Wrangler

    Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    Error: Fatal Exception Caught: (UuidException) Size mismatch in reading Uuid from ByteArray: 4 vs 16
    And I can't copy the complet code. Forum sais "A sneaky URL has been detected in your content"
  15. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    That error means there's a problem with one of your saves. Delete (or move/rename) your universe and player folders and try again.

    Apparently something in the binary. I doubt we'll know what exactly.
  16. Ryukoma

    Ryukoma Tentacle Wrangler

    Universe and player folders are empty. I have reinstalled the game and nothing works
  17. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Copy out the complete contents of the log and post them here (between spoiler tags).
  18. Ryukoma

    Ryukoma Tentacle Wrangler

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '../../../starbound.config'
    Info: Pre-loading Star::Root with 2 assets sources
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../../../assets/packed.pak'
    Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../../../assets/user'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Rampaging Koala - Update 1' Protocol: 661
    Info: Running from : /Users/Neko/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/Starbound.app/Contents/MacOS/starbound
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Finishing loading Star::Root...
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: OpenGL version: '2.1 NVIDIA-10.0.19 310.90.10.05b12' vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'NVIDIA GeForce 9400 OpenGL Engine' shader: '1.20'
    Info: Created initial window 1000x600
    Info: Renderer initialized
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Renderer destroyed
    Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    Error: Fatal Exception Caught: (UuidException) Size mismatch in reading Uuid from ByteArray: 4 vs 16
    0 starbound 0x0000000109c2f17c _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE + 236
    1 starbound 0x0000000109bee731 _ZN4Star4UuidC2ERKNS_9ByteArrayE + 177
    2 starbound 0x0000000109bee7b5 _ZN4Star4UuidC1ERKNS_6StringE + 37
    3 starbound 0x00000001097387ad _ZN4Star13PlayerStorage4initEv + 1597
    4 starbound 0x000000010920119d _ZN4Star17ClientApplication24postSplashInitializationEv + 77
    5 starbound 0x0000000109201434 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv + 388
    6 starbound 0x0000000109214b24 _ZN4Star19StarApplicationBase3runEv + 484
    7 starbound 0x0000000109211991 SDL_main + 4817
    8 starbound 0x000000010930dab0 -[SDLMain applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 48
    9 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff91664cbc __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12
    10 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff915561b4 _CFXNotificationPost + 3140
    11 Foundation 0x00007fff89d35ea1 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:eek:bject:userInfo:] + 66
    12 AppKit 0x00007fff9371110b -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 291
    13 AppKit 0x00007fff93710e76 -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 191
    14 AppKit 0x00007fff9370dc76 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 574
    15 AppKit 0x00007fff9370d6b5 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 244
    16 Foundation 0x00007fff89d55458 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 290
    17 Foundation 0x00007fff89d552c9 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 102
    18 AE 0x00007fff92ddd99c _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_jPh + 531
    19 AE 0x00007fff92ddd719 _ZL25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ + 31
    20 AE 0x00007fff92ddd623 aeProcessAppleEvent + 295
    21 HIToolbox 0x00007fff8e9ad37e AEProcessAppleEvent + 56
    22 AppKit 0x00007fff93709d76 _DPSNextEvent + 2665
    23 AppKit 0x00007fff93708e80 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 194
    24 AppKit 0x00007fff936fce23 -[NSApplication run] + 594
    25 starbound 0x000000010930e103 main + 1299
    26 starbound 0x00000001091fe734 start + 52
    27 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
  19. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Delete the packed.pak file and verify the game through Steam to re-download it. There's definitely an issue loading something; if your player and universe folders are empty then it must be the assets.
  20. Ryukoma

    Ryukoma Tentacle Wrangler

    It doesn't work again... I don't know what to do...
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