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Charlton says hello!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Charlton McVicar, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I was on a planet that had a large presence of Agarans living on it. (-8572280, -3923842)[​IMG]
    The errors in the universal translator are considerable, it was barely enough to give me the understanding that these were friendly, and that I was a meat person.

    It is quite possible however that the Agarans know language, or at least have slang, that caters to a understood language, like the Engrish of the Japanese Moe period. It should be known that despite their main food being carrion, Agarans are not adept at killing things, I hypothesize it has to do with their poor eyesight and lack of sensitivity to pain, as they continually spend time below ground.

    What Is of most particular interest, however, was when I stayed over for the night in a particular abode. I was playing with their "dog", who seemed to react a lot like our cats to flashlights. It was then on further inspection I found they weren't actually canines. the teeth, their muteness,(possibly bred into them), the serpent like tongue, their reactions to artificial light...the differences are subtle, but damning. This is a completely alien creature unrelated to wolves and dogs. However, these are nonetheless domesticated by the Agarans, and are very welcoming to guests.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2014
  2. Charlton McVicar

    Charlton McVicar Investigative Reporter NPC

    Hey everyone,
    I'm working on an exposé on the Agarans. Included below is a very small sample of the source information I've gathered.

    This is one of the logfiles I recovered from The Restless Sparrow, an Avian ship whose crew participated in an unauthorized excursion onto an Avian tomb-ship. This logfile excerpt in particular is from the external door and airlock system.

    > Docking sequence initiated. (partner: "unknown", missing from ship database)
    > Docking sequence successful.
    > Checking internal pressure of "unknown"...
    > ...
    > Internal pressure check successful.
    > Pressure difference nominal.
    > Preparing airlock. (occupants: 4)
    > Airlock occupants transferred to "unknown".
    > ...
    > Crew returning.
    > Preparing airlock. (occupants: 5)
    > Airlock occupants transferred to "The Restless Sparrow".
    > ...
    > Going to sleep.
  3. Van Derek

    Van Derek Space Hobo

    "Unknown" was infected like allien movies.
  4. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    So Agarans are actually Thornwing's fault?

    Wait... how did you obtain access to that ship?
  5. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Where did you see anything about Thornwing?

    Hmmmm Agarans inside of a Tombship. Sounds like the Flood more and more
  6. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Potential origins from Avian location
    Thornwing - first person to intercept communication and seemed rather pleased by the info

    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  7. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    It's a bit of a leap to assume it's thornwing. Plus if it was him, he wouldn't have left any traces.
  8. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Except for you know all that stuff referring to Thornwing specifically.
  9. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    There's nothing about Thornwing in the excerpt Mc Vicar posted. Stop bringing in meta knowledge into this
  10. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Just gonna go ahead and quote this.
  11. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    You clearly miss the point of this thread completely. This thread is about information YOUR character would come across. Not something brought up on the forum. You post things as your character finds them. That's the point. Theory crafting can stay in the Agaran menace thread but here you post stuff like Mc Vicar or screenshots with the description of your experience AS A CHARACTER at that time. That's what Mc Vicar wants, first hand accounts and logs. Not Apologistic or accusing propaganda.
  12. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    And it's like you absolutely didn't read that post as it clearly addresses that point and makes a rather apt summary of the issue.

    beari78 likes this.
  13. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    CLEARLY THAT IS NOT THE CASE BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE POST ANYWAY LIKE THE POST BEFORE THIS POINTLESS DEBATE EVEN STARTED. Now if you want theory crafting stay out of this thread. End of story Why is it
    that its always Agaran sympathizers that derail this thread?

    Mc Vicar was right.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
  14. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    You know nothing, Jon Snow.
  15. Arcanolf

    Arcanolf Aquatic Astronaut

    What have you doooone! Those poor, poor dears. Oh well... Did you manage to sneak in a bite too?
  16. GlavinChris

    GlavinChris Space Hobo

    You should not be concerned with these peaceful creatures. I touched one the other day and felt a wonderful sensation that cannot be put into words.
  17. beari78

    beari78 Guest

  18. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    I don't find that very convincing.
  19. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    ^^ Summation of this and the Agaran Menace.
    Yzzey likes this.
  20. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Are you sure they didn't touch you back?;)

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