Games like Stardew coming out soon?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WeasleX, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. WeasleX

    WeasleX Orbital Explorer

  2. gnofar

    gnofar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  3. oath2order

    oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

    HM emulators are your best bet right now
      vanella, Lumina and DatYandereGirl like this.
    • gabrielfunkglop

      gabrielfunkglop Sandwich Man

      Honestly what i think is that this game is the best shot this genre of games has to survive because lately everyone wants to make a fps or action game with hardly anyone thinking of smaller groups like this,BUT to tell you the truth if the 5 MILLION people who play farmville monthly see this game i believe that you wouldn't even need to find another game like this.With that kind of support that would make this game 'The Game'
      • gnofar

        gnofar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        I have a hard time thinking this would be near as big as farmville i am sad to say. First of this won´t be as acessible to the masses as a platform like Facebook would be as millions of people use it everyday and its extremely simple to just pick up the game for free and play it. And still i don´t think this is quite like farmville since this is kind of "hardcore" like you sit down and play intense for maybe 3 hours and then you progress 3 hours where in a game like FV you maybe tend your crops for 5 minutes and then you are set for the day not needing to touch the game for another 48 hours while still making progress.
        • gabrielfunkglop

          gabrielfunkglop Sandwich Man

          its still gonna be a great game
          • Cassie

            Cassie Phantasmal Quasar

            My friend who is also rooting for SV showed me that Wild Season game and I'm not interested in it at all; it looks like it should be a Facebook game rather than a game-game.

            Stardew Valley all the way!
            • Kairon156

              Kairon156 2.7182818284590...

              ever sense I've plaid harvest moon for SNES and a few of the later ones I've waited decades for a PC farm game with a similar theme. this game is going to blow that one out of the water. (this one is much better)

              there's one called harvest online on Kickstarter but it's barley in alpha stage so this one will most likely be out first.
                vanella and naithaan like this.
              • naithaan

                naithaan Zero Gravity Genie

                How does the harvest online look so far?
                • destiny82

                  destiny82 Void-Bound Voyager

                • naithaan

                  naithaan Zero Gravity Genie

                  I heard about that game from somewhere (cant remember from where). It seems interesting enough to try out.
                  • Vynxar

                    Vynxar Void-Bound Voyager

                    the Harvest moon serie or maybe the Rune factory one are probably your best bet
                    • ReallyFuzzyBubbles

                      ReallyFuzzyBubbles Yeah, You!

                      Harvest moon games. :)
                      • Dynafols

                        Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

                        Theres a HM game called "Connect to New Lands" coming out..

                        I do like the almost dirtied up new character cut outs... but the rest of the game looks very similar to ANB. I'm just hoping its fixes everything I HATED about ANB.
                        • Cledge

                          Cledge Space Hobo

                          Thanks for the links duders above. Checking 'em out. I'm also going to buy the Rune Factories for DS, I like the idea of playing as your children and grand children.
                          • naithaan

                            naithaan Zero Gravity Genie

                            Yeah that could be an awesome dlc that could maybe add after release for Stardew Valley
                            • Tahlia90

                              Tahlia90 Void-Bound Voyager

                              Thought I'd share the new greenlight game I found that's also inspired by Harvest moon. It seems really interesting in terms of graphics and interactions with animals.
                              Its called "River Town" that's a link to their kickstarter, you'll see they are pretty far away from their goal at the moment so check it out!
                              • destiny82

                                destiny82 Void-Bound Voyager

                                This looks really promising. I honestly really hate the character design but maybe its a place holder for now. But other than that it looks really promising.
                                • Tahlia90

                                  Tahlia90 Void-Bound Voyager

                                  I agree, it looks rather chunky and awkward. I do however really like the way the chickens come towards the food and have health bars, plus the way the items and vegetables drop is pretty cool. I hope they make their goal either way just to give it a go!
                                  • destiny82

                                    destiny82 Void-Bound Voyager

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