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Don't give early access to big youtubers

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Skippy3, Jul 4, 2013.

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  1. Skippy3

    Skippy3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm unsure of what the team at Chucklefish has in mind to promote the game, but I beg of you, don't give special access to the game to youtubers. It's just not fair to the rest of us. :/
  2. SephirothWS

    SephirothWS Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't think they really need to do that, considering they've got (as of this post) 64,646 "backers" and raised over 1.5 mil on pre-sales...
    warcore likes this.
  3. Siloxis

    Siloxis Big Damn Hero

    Everyone who preorders can access the beta.
    And why do you think Youtubers get it earlier?
  4. Skippy3

    Skippy3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Cubeworld, Terraria...
  5. Uberbasher betax

    Uberbasher betax Space Penguin Leader

    For the people that want to look into the game more by watching somebody else play on youtube so they can decide if they want to pay for it is a good thing.
    I don't mind if that happens but sure some people will feel bad about it that they can't play but they can also try to have some patience and just watch if they want to know for sure its something for them.
    Or don't watch at all and wait.

    But why should they even allow youtubers? They streaming the game their self.
  6. Skippy3

    Skippy3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    warcore likes this.
  7. Uberbasher betax

    Uberbasher betax Space Penguin Leader

    But they can still watch the stream? If people tell them about it or look here for a moment?
  8. Skippy3

    Skippy3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    You're missing the entire point of giving big youtubers early access, it's so that they can spread the word to their fans and get them hyped up about it. I can only tell so many people on my steam friend list to check out the stream, and even fewer actually do.

    Unfortunately, there's a downside to this, too. It's really unfair to everyone else, just because they're big youtubers doesn't necessarily mean they're better or more deserving than everyone else that have been anticipating the game for about two years now.
    PSS and Hat like this.
  9. SephirothWS

    SephirothWS Phantasmal Quasar

    I myself have been anticipating the game for quite some time, but only recently came out of the woodwork and created an account. I will continue to be as patient as necessary, though I pre-ordered, for Tiy and the gang @ Chucklefish to get everything in place, because a rushed product does not equal a quality product. Take your time. :)
    Greatblackshark likes this.
  10. Chongo

    Chongo Space Hobo

    I dunno man! I may just release a video of the beta (since I backed it). Not a huge youtuber, but I plan to do that.
  11. CalamityQuote

    CalamityQuote Phantasmal Quasar

    Sorry. TB and Jesse Cox will be getting early access for the game (for publicity, of course). Also, won't the Yogscast be playing it at that convention (Insomnia something?) in late August? Please don't yell at me if I'm wrong.
    WoxandWarf and Evithlia like this.
  12. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    i really don't care about this, starbound isn't a mmo i will only play with friends and on servers with good moderators and ADM..... so i don't care for who gonna play first... and also i think this is good for the developers.
  13. randoomy

    randoomy Void-Bound Voyager

    How exactly is seeing new hands on content from youtube not fair? If anything I'd love to see more videos of the pre-beta releases to compare with the open beta.
    Dano likes this.
  14. Honestly, this is just the way things work.
    How do you think movie critics get reviews out before the movie is released? Games have reviews up days before they come out. Even toys, makeup products, etc are reviewed by press before being released to the general public.

    It's not "unfair". Youtubers are just people who have gained popularity, subscribers, a large following of people who care about their opinion. When they get their hands on something before it's released, it's not some sort of nepotism, it's marketing.
    We understand that fans have been anticipating the game for a long time, but Youtubers are people who have put the work in and built up a career that allows them the opportunity to play games early because that helps the developers.
    Heavy692, Spike, warcore and 18 others like this.
  15. fallingorbit

    fallingorbit Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Journalists can request content from developers to report on them or provide critical analysis.

    Every game company in the world goes along with it because it's a win win situation.
  16. V For Vendetta

    V For Vendetta Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I personally would love to have youtubers get early access, because it will most likely create publicity for the game. Which, in result, will give Chucklefish more money. And, it will make the community even larger. Especially if you're going to give it to a REVIEWER first. (Yes I did caps-lock on reviewer, because people don't understand what some youtubers do. {Total Biscuit}) I don't hear anyone complain when hundreds of reviews get a review copy/beta for a AAA game, but when it's indie, people complain? I sometimes don't get people. I know that you guys also want to play the game badly, and trust me, I do too. But, does that mean that I get entitlement just because I bought the game? Absolutely not, so please let Chucklefish get more money and a larger community.
  17. I wouldn't exactly mind if youtubers got their hands on it first, but I would never watch any of their videos as there would be too many spoilers. Also, if the game were to be given to youtubers, how would you select who to give it to? If you give it to all the big-name youtubers, its going to sweep all the smaller channeled youtubers aside...
    NightFire likes this.
  18. Dispersion

    Dispersion Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was expecting a wall of text explaining why this would be a bad idea.
    Better luck next time.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  19. V For Vendetta

    V For Vendetta Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry for the double post.

    You beat me to my comment! Thank you for commenting on this thread. I sometimes don't think people know how marketing works. If you do advertising yourself, you spending a ton of money doing so. But, if you give a youtuber the game (Only $15 spent.) you basically get advertisement for FREE! Thanks again for the comment, and I hope that others will finally understand about this situation.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  20. V For Vendetta

    V For Vendetta Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, the obvious way of selecting, is selecting people that would review the game and give the game larger publicity. It's pretty obvious that they wouldn't give it to smaller channeled Youtubers, because they wouldn't be nearly as effective as a larger Youtube channel. I can understand what you mean for the smaller Youtube channels, but if they were given to smaller channels, there would be a riot on the forums asking why they didn't get it instead of the smaller Youtuber. It would do more harm than good to give review copies to smaller Youtube channels for that reason. I hope that this helped you, and I hope that you have a good day!
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