Race Meet the Felix (AKA Cat Hippies)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Shadow Wolf TJC, Apr 22, 2013.


What are your thoughts on this race?

  1. Must play as them!!!

  2. Pretty cool.

  3. Could use some work. (Any suggestions?)

  4. Not interested.

  5. Kill them with fire!!!

  1. ColdOneK

    ColdOneK Space Penguin Leader

    *whacks head with the force of over 9000(!?) face palms*
    <---forgot cats have tails for w/e reason

    ears on the side are elf ears...?
  2. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    There is only ONE question about this race suggestion that REALLY matters at all:
    Do they have a bag of tricks?
  3. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    I deliberately limited the relations to official races, as well as other races made by myself (so far, only the Panth'rans), since other people's fanmade races may have different opinions on the Felix. Would you be interested in helping me come up with race relations between the Felix and some of your fanmade races?:love:
    I agree, though with limitations on sprite sizes, I didn't have enough space to add cat-like eyes. I'd definitely want to add them if I actually drew up some artwork.:catface2:
    I'll update it in a moment.;)
    And no. The ears would still be shaped like cat ears, even if placed on the side like a human or elf. Maybe Len wasn't the best example that I was looking for.

    I'm not experienced with drawing stuff, but maybe I should at least give it a shot, huh? (The picture above isn't mine btw, but is located in my favorites list on my DeviantArt profile.) I'll need to find a way to turn my drawings to digital pictures though. (Oh, and if you look closely at the sprites that I made, you can see that I put the ears to the side of the head.)
    :rofl: But sadly, no. Although, they can be just as clever as any human being.;)
  4. Unendingfear

    Unendingfear Cosmic Narwhal

    Unless you put something really libelous about their race, most people aren't going to be bothered by what you right down. Worst case scenario they'd tell you and then you could correct it from there.
  5. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Point taken. In fact, I've decided to begin adding relationship entries towards other fanmade races. So far, the Oscura, Cerpine, Zaahir, and Monophytes were given entries.

    By the way, if anyone would like to work with me in creating more detailed and believable interspecies relationships, feel free to contact me in private.:)
  6. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Added some additional information about Felix factions, most notably Felix survivalists (of which playable Felix would likely belong in) and Felix extremists and Panth'ran space pirates (of which both could have dungeons). I've also included a few details about Felix armor (located in the "Pros and Cons" section), which would focus on survival in harsh environments (offering resistances to heat, cold, radiation, poison, chemicals, bacteria, and viruses, and may even enhance healing since the Felix are so knowledgeable in the field of biology).
  7. Evinagro

    Evinagro Cosmic Narwhal

    Sounds like an interesting idea, but put in favor of furries :/
    Lawls likes this.
  8. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    It's been a long time since I last updated this thread, but now that the beta is out, I have some new race relations between the Felix and the other playable races, most notably the Humans and the Hylotl. I'm considering adding this race in a future mod, though for now, creating a mod with a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience for the main game is taking priority.
  9. Kattanos

    Kattanos Pangalactic Porcupine

    Felix.... master race..... IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE!!

    Space cats! Make it happen!

    Apex = Apes
    Avian = Birds
    Hylotl = Axolotl (AKA salamanders)
    Floran = Plants

    4/6 are anthropomorphic races right there.. Glitch are robots modeled after humans, which could be arguably the 5th anthro race.. Then you got Novakids (which I didn't add to the count as they aren't in the game as of yet) which are effectively anthro stars/energy beings.. That basically puts every race in the game under the brand "furry" except for humans..
  10. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Strange? I can't seem to edit the title post anymore. What's with these "500 errors"?!
  11. Which can also be taken as an argument as to why there should be less of them.
    Peachy likes this.
  12. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Finally, I'm able to edit my title post. I fleshed out the Felix's race relations with the core races a bit more. It seems as if the Felix are involved in a love triangle of sorts with the Florans, Hylotl, and Glitch.;)
  13. Kattanos

    Kattanos Pangalactic Porcupine

    True, but also could be taken as furries are not considered an "issue" by the devs..
  14. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Name at least one playable race idea that would be interesting to implement for Starbound that's NOT anthropomorphic in some way or another. Of course, not everything that's anthropomorphicized is necessarily "furry", such as robots or rock-people.
  15. I'm inclined to agree, Kattanos was slightly pushing the definition. I haven't heard anyone complaining about how "furry" novakids are because they're anthropomorphic star beings.

    Your question in itself is pretty strange though, as it's somewhat obvious that non-anthropomorphic aliens aren't exactly rare in science fiction. Considering how the many complaints about the overabundance of furry suggestions hinges on the frustration at the lack of anything else, of course it's difficult to pinpoint a single outstanding idea of a non-anthropomorphic suggested race that I'd particularly like to see in game. And I'm hardly going to come up with a compelling backstory and character design for the sake of this comment.
    Does that mean it's impossible? Clearly not, if you're at least somewhat familiar with science fiction. Though I suppose this entire line of thought relies on the originally stretched definition of "furry", so it isn't exactly important that designers create races with no real world influence at all. Personally I like the approach of having many different influences and then soaking them with originality - a far cry from taking your favourite animal and making it talk and stand upright.
  16. Kattanos

    Kattanos Pangalactic Porcupine

    I admit, I was pushing it a bit far, but largely due to my personal perception of what "furry" is.. This is undoubtedly true in the view of some (if not most) people as stated previously in the thread.. I personally see the term "furry" as slang for anthropomorphic creatures/beings.. As in things being given human-like traits such as speech, physique, etc.. Some examples being that of lizardfolk and dragonkin being considered "furry" despite generally lacking hair or fur coats.. I have stumbled across pictures of "furry" airplanes before.. As in it was in a website/forum for people in the fandom.. This is also why I hate using search engines sometimes.. I get some weird stuff in the results most of the time.. This is starting to go off topic, so I will return to the topic here.. I personally don't care if things are "furry" or not.. The fact that I like this idea is proof of that.. That or it is because cats are awesome.. Maybe both.. Regardless, it tends to be difficult to be 100% original in this day and age where nearly everything has been done in some shape or form.. Inspiration for wonderful things tend to be drawn in from previously known ideas.. The numerous inventions of things we take for granted on a day to day basis are examples of that.. In essence, I am agreeing with the quoted post, but with a bit of elaboration on my part..
  17. Peachy

    Peachy Star Wrangler

    Honestly I'm just tired of animal people being done the same way over and over again. Like seriously just because it's a cat race doesn't mean you can just stick a cat head on a human body and call it a day. It just feels extremely half assed.
    Also just because something is anthropomorphic doesn't make it a furry, following that definition would make the entire transformers franchise furries.
  18. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Agreed. That's why, whenever I come up with an idea for an anthropomorphic race, I go the extra step, by working on some lore for them, and giving them a cultural style that makes them seem culturally different from Starbound's humans... as well as culturally different from the average stereotypes. In addition to the Felix, a race of anthropomorphic surfer-era hippie cats that value peace over war, I have an idea for a race of anthropomorphic equines that, unlike other equine races like the Ponex, have a more militant culture centered around warfare.

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