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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    Indeed he did. That idea would fit dead on Starbound. Something that shows you that also bad things can happen in the universe. Destroyed ships, stations or cities infested with aliens, zombies or crazy crew like Punkypie said.
  2. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "But...the response we've gotten since the WIP reveal page was leaked has shown us that maybe you guys don't feel quite as enthusiastic about starter pets as we do. Err, oops. Our bad."

    WHAT?! I personally want them as hell! :cry:
    Shippo likes this.
  3. wendyam

    wendyam Subatomic Cosmonaut

    maybe for the fossil idea and other creatures u could make a genetic modifier machine that can resurrect the dinos and fossils or splice and mix up original creatures that spawn into player created versions
  4. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Post that in the suggestions part of the site as well if you haven't already. Seriously, that is awesome.
    Zeon likes this.
  5. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    They said there was going to be more then planets to explore anyways!
  6. Kreg

    Kreg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is just too good
    Shahab, StarshiyLeytenant and Zeon like this.
  7. Gingercon568

    Gingercon568 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just a thought but you could make it so with the fossils put them in a machine and make pre-historic pet like a mini t-rex that will help you fight :)
    wendyam and ErekoseDM like this.
  8. skaree

    skaree Astral Cartographer

    This game doesn't really seem to be the kind of game that would have DLC though (and hell I hope it doesn't). Seeing as how DLC is more of a "download new maps!"/"pay for extra quests"/"buy this shiny new pay-to-win thing!" and everything in this game points to not needing anything like that. And because DLC sucks.
  9. vandald

    vandald Void-Bound Voyager

    The stretch goals have been cool, but I bought in before those were even put up with the idea being that you guys needed money to speed up development. I just want the game. If you have to continue doing the whole stretch goal thing, pets are cool. I just personally can't think of a feature that wouldn't push back the release date in any way.
    Strongbuns likes this.
  10. Arch-Mage Zandor

    Arch-Mage Zandor Space Kumquat

    I would prefer it if they could help in combat, but even if they can't it's still a big Yay!
  11. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    For faks sake, I could of sworn I heard previously that Tiy had mentioned there would also be abandoned space stations to explore and other crap....
    Ken_Chihuly and Lithen like this.
  12. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    They should go ahead with it. as only half of the people didn't want it. i don't want people who voted to not get it just because half of the people didn't want it. as long as you can choose not to spawn with one i'm fine.

    Edit: also as long as it's a mini-goal rather than a super goal.
    Lithen likes this.
  13. Bop-it_Bill

    Bop-it_Bill Master Chief

    They said you can do that when they announced the fossils, just incase you forgot/didn't see. Unless you saw and actually want a mini t-rex, then i guess that could be pretty neat.
    Gingercon568 likes this.
  14. Bairy

    Bairy Tentacle Wrangler


    He has, people just don't read or look up things
    Autzome, Zeon and EstebanWinsmore like this.
  15. Having just finished reading this entire thread after putting my daughters to bed, I can honestly say that my opinion isn't changed.

    The Vanity Pets are a Good Idea.

    Here are my reasons:
    1) Mostly because of what I said earlier, the two current stretch goals are large additions to the game. The vanity pets are a small cake topping that won't add any additional heavy coding that has the potential of either A) extending release, or up using up resources. It's a simple nifty gesture that is mostly a "thank you" to everyone who has been pre-ordering.
    2) We are getting two amazing new features as it is, and if we keep asking for more, and more, and more heavy duty features, then the game will take even longer to finish. Which is something that I think we can all agree on that we don't want.
    3) Having the race-specific pets has the potential to add a lot of awesome lore to the game. Everything from coming up with how and why these creatures are uniquely special to their specific race, and can also be used to add more to each individual players experience. If the pet has ambient actions, or some sort of reactive AI that responds to monsters, NPC's, players, or other pets, that would just add a whole new level of immersion to the game.
    4) Potential improvements for the pets, such as additions to your ship, like a bed for it, or what not, would make for interesting additions. Also, it wouldn't be too difficult to add more pets and more actions for them at a later date.

    5) Customization. Starbound, other than being completely about procedural generation, is also about customization. If there are a decent number of pets for your player to choose from it will add an additional layer of "uniqueness" to your player.

    These are just a few of my thoughts on the subject.
    Sheez, IndieGamerRid, skaree and 2 others like this.
  16. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Indeed, his idea is just too good for it to be swept away under the rug in this thread which is getting replied to liek bullets fired out of a machine gun.

    100% agreed man. It's ridiculously good and you wonder "why the hell didn't they or we think about it?"
  17. Cobaltmaster

    Cobaltmaster Orbital Explorer

    I find it funny, that you guys thought day one would only have like 300. You have to remember that after terraria that, although you can't make nearly as much in it as minecraft, you have a HUGE fan base. The fact is that not many of us post regularly on the forums but that doesn't mean we dont care! Me and a buddy were going to play this in 2011.... then it didnt come ou... then in 2012!..... ok no starbound. 2013! And i even preordered through amazon(even though i don't really like them) and id have gotten another one if his computer didnt crap out so he can't play. TL:DR Lol dev team didnt relize how much they were liked
  18. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    And that the information isn't exactly that readily accessible.
  19. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    I know right. Please spread it !
  20. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    What is space travel without knock-off tribbles? I can easily get behind this idea. It speaks to the pet collector in me from my WoW days.
    IndieGamerRid likes this.
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