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Novakid- New starbound race

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by ZangooseSlash, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Herdo

    Herdo Pangalactic Porcupine

    The problem with your theory is that it does not feel like added content, it feels like removed content. It always will, we are human and that is how our brains work (at least the majority).

    The thing is, I agree with most of what you are saying. I don't believe any of this is coming from greed on Chucklfish's part, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. As you and others have mentioned, this content may be added regardless, the goal just speeds up the process. If that's the case, I see absolutely no problem with it.

    And for the record, I would NEVER compare what Chucklefish is doing to what the scum who produced The WarZ did. I didn't mean to imply intent to their actions, I was just simply saying it's a recipe for failure.
    Zangoose likes this.
  2. FenixR

    FenixR Cosmic Narwhal

    Like many people have said, these stretch goals are not just dangling content in front of our noses, its highly likely that stuff like these would have been added to the main game further on Post release since they have expressed their interest in keeping the game updated for a good while even if the stretch are not met, but to not slow down the development of the main game they decided to add these stretch goals of Extra money to hire Extra people besides from the one already working on the game to develop the new race with their items and structures and stuff at the same time that the main development team of Starbound keeps working on getting the main Game out.

    Also the Fact that the new Race its a Community Suggestion should give you a big hint that it was not part of their plans to add that Race into the main game for release, most extra stuff and community suggestion that catches the team attention and curiosity will most likely be implemented Post Release.

    So yes, its most likely that we can only reach 1 or 2 stretch goals, it usually happens with any KickStarters, but these Stretch marks are always meant to be extra goodies on top of what the Devs plan to do with their game but they can't possible add on the release since its some extra cost that they can't cover early on when the game isn't selling yet.
  3. (I might be biased here, but) I think it's fine to make this a stretch goal. Stretch goals come with two benefits:
    1. For the players, this means more of the game's expanded vision is available at launch.
    2. For the devs, the game's launch may be the only time a lot of people hear of the game before it forever drops off their radar - often the first impression is the last. The more attractive the game can be at launch, the better it is for sales.
         Corollary: more money = more development fuel for expanding the game - a win back to the players!
    jetsetdizzy, banthesun, Mopy and 2 others like this.
  4. GeorgeV

    GeorgeV Art Director

    I can understand your sentiments. Now let me address them. :)

    If we could put everything in the game we wanted to without sufficient resources we would. But we couldn't due to a lack of resources slowing us down. A few developers had to look for outside jobs which means their hours working on Starbound were being limited. These funds will save several people from having to get a second job and splitting their focus.
    The resources can also potentially be used on new hires, equipment and whatnot which does translate into being able to create more content and being able to create it faster. Plus the morale boost! I've been working on this since like June 2011. I haven't seen a cent. Morale Boosted! Having good morale really helps us work more efficiently and it'll be good to have more than $14 in my bank account. :geek:

    And the resources do really help the development of Starbound a lot. It greatly affects how much effort and man-hours the team can put into the game. As I said the lack of resources was really having a slowing effect on us as people have to be able to earn money to live (and support their family if they have one to support). And to be fair I don't think we'd have the resources to add our stretch goal things without this influx. It's not like we're doing "on the disc dlc" or just placing stuff already done or planned into the stretch goals. These are real bonuses basically from a kind of "wish list". If we're funded well enough and can get more of the team full time it will REALLY help development and give us extra time and resources to spend on cool things like these.

    In short.
    Resources help.
    They can help a lot.

    It's not really "if you are going to put something in the game, put it in the game."
    It's more like "if you want to put something in the game, do you have the time and resources to do it without causing delays or causing half of your development team to starve to death?" :p
  5. Fathomir

    Fathomir Big Damn Hero

    Gratz to the creator! :D Let's hope we hit that milemarker...I'd love to have that race.
    Bietol likes this.
  6. Herdo

    Herdo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks for the reply GeorgeV. One thing I have to give you is how great you guys all are with the community.

    As for going a long period of time with no income, I am a futures commodities and stocks trader/investor, so I feel your pain! :p

    I, like practically everyone else has no doubt you will hit the $500K goal, but let's say you didn't. Would the Novakid be implemented into the game at a later date? I think my fear is the feeling of "What could have been?". Getting your hopes up for something that never comes is a terrible feeling.

    As I mentioned in my last comment in this thread, I in no way think this is coming from greed, so please don't get the impression that I believe the dev's to be "money hungry" or anything like that.
  7. Might I ask what they are doing in my clothes?
    novakids.png <------------------
    Sundew and Leokins like this.
  8. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    you gotta admit, them be some fine pair of threads.
  9. V M Smith

    V M Smith Phantasmal Quasar

    I disagree. It is not being treated like "if you give us enough money, we'll give you more content" it is more like "if we have enough money, we can pay someone to make this". Don't think of it as the devs trying to pry money from us, think of it as them developing what they can pay for.
  10. Raiden Firewing

    Raiden Firewing Void-Bound Voyager

    I think you get it the wrong way. This isnt meant to make money, ala: Let's announce a new race and get all the money, but more like that when they get enought money, they are able to found more without delaying the game further. So they don't want to make money, rather the other way round, THANK the community for putting so much into them.

    Also the Novakids are awesome, so your argument is invalid. I think I need to reconsider being floran <.<
    Silverduke1 likes this.
  11. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    The irony is, the statement that because something is cool (Which I would like to point out is a highly opinion-based claim), an argument is invalid is an INCREDIBLY invalid argument. Fallacies galore!
  12. ZangooseSlash

    ZangooseSlash Black Hole Surfer

    Whenever i say novakid i think of dovahkiin
    oh silly brain
  13. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Dovahkiin! Dovahkiin! Naal ok zin los varhin!
    Jonesy and Zangoose like this.
  14. GeorgeV

    GeorgeV Art Director

    I'm not sure.

    If we play the "what if" game... maybe. It all matters if we had the resources to do it. If the man-hours were so negatively hit because a lot of us had to work second jobs (or continue to do so) that would probably mean either "nope" or "much later". Novakids were talked about beforehand kind of in a "some day" kind of sense - if things did well.
    This basically brought them from a wish list item, to a priority. Made it real. We had no official Starbound sprites for them until today when I drew them in haste.

    So I don't know. The stretch goals might be put in eventually even if we don't reach it. Or they might not if we don't have enough resources.

    This goal stuff though basically ensures these things get done. And quicker than they could have possibly been done before ('cause no second jobs and stuff!).

  15. Novakid! Novakid! Not a single sardine!
    TheSpoon likes this.
  16. Star and Moon

    Star and Moon Space Kumquat

    Man, I think I have a new favorite race! People with money, spend it!
    Autzome likes this.
  17. Bynn_Error

    Bynn_Error Cosmic Narwhal

    I thought the goal bonuses might have been future updates that would have happened anyway if the game did well enough.

    Makes sense to me, after all if you have the money and resources may as well put it in the game before launch for more content.

    Still I can hardly blame them for there view's the game industry can be pretty slimy when it comes to stuff like pre-orders and "DLC".
  18. HappySailor

    HappySailor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was on team floran, but now I leave them in the dust, partly because the novakids look bloody awesome, but also because cowboy theme is my favorite idea ever.
    Eggy Guff likes this.
  19. Attribule

    Attribule Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    By your money combined, I AM NOVAKID!
  20. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Is it sad that in one point in time I had the lyrics to this memorized in both English and the Dragon Language?
    Kingpendragon and Keeper like this.

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