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Pixel Weekly Pixel-Off

Discussion in 'Art' started by pigrocket, Feb 2, 2013.

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  1. Ezlur

    Ezlur Poptop Tamer

    RabidTurtle likes this.
  2. It wasn't really a clear contest, so I just took the iron giant and shoved him in a chef's hat.
    RabidTurtle likes this.
  3. I did provide examples...(still, the logo's nice.)

    Anyways, satiate my hunger, pixel chefs! I await your dishes!
    WoxandWarf and blind sniper like this.
  4. Ezlur

    Ezlur Poptop Tamer

    Is it possible to post multiple entries, or just one per person will be accepted?
  5. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    ENTRY: :DD

    dolphin head >: D

    RabidTurtle likes this.
  6. Opps, I didn't check the OP, I only checked what Pig had posted, swrry. I can re-enter if I need to.

    pigrocket likes this.
  7. RabidTurtle

    RabidTurtle Master Chief

    I am for PETA... People Eating Tasty Animals
  8. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    turtles are tasty.......
    ok i am going to answer every comp with my avatar...
    so my dish is 4th dimensional energy
    RabidTurtle and bounding star like this.
  9. RabidTurtle

    RabidTurtle Master Chief

    Might not want to eat me... unless you like disease with your turtle soup ;)
  10. I will be submitting an entry. This is just the thing to get me past my artist's block. Do I have all Saturday to enter?
  11. ENTRY

    Swedish Chef is best Iron Chef...
  12. No, usually it vaguely ends somewhere around Saturday. Maybe we need a better day to end&start each contest.
  13. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    Anything but monday
    I hate mondays
  14. Would it not be a good idea then, because people wouldn't want to finish a drawing on Monday, anyway?
  15. Entry


    Bon Appétit!
    Dragonith, Shock, AstroBlast and 2 others like this.
  16. Entrèe
    Mini Pizza Rolls [​IMG]
    Mini Cakes [​IMG]
    Mini taco [​IMG]
    Minisoda [​IMG]
    Cocaine [​IMG]
    Seajun_, Zailiner, Dragonith and 4 others like this.
  17. (Psst! It's illegal, you know? :cautious:
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  18. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    GG Pigrock GG
    pigrocket likes this.
  19. Well, I guess I'm not participating this week since I missed all the alerts for the past week! :badpokerface:
  20. Same for the PokeDemon contest for me...
    KAY. DOIN IT. KAY? kay.
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