Wipe your feet on the way in...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by WelshPixie, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Riot

    Riot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm gonna take some time here,gonna make some stories lol
    nababoo likes this.
  2. Wonderful! Another writer to welcome into our circle of hobos friends.
    Riot likes this.
    nababoo likes this.
  5. Yeah. I don't really scroll down too often.
  6. Nope, didn't notice. Oh well im happy
    nababoo likes this.
  7. rigbymad12

    rigbymad12 Poptop Tamer

    The penguins are invading! SAVE ME!!!
  8. AyeAye13

    AyeAye13 Cosmic Narwhal

    Hehe, well I've decided to stop working on that one as a fan-fic and work on it has a normal sci-fi story :p
  9. rigbymad12

    rigbymad12 Poptop Tamer

    My Fan Fic takes place during Cordis Die :rofl:
  10. GarbusPL

    GarbusPL Space Spelunker

  11. Jarl Sheogorath

    Jarl Sheogorath Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    OH MY GOD!!!! That sounds EPIC!!!! I'd BUY a book about that! Make it have a bad guy... Hey, can he have a pet fishey too? That'd be nice...
  12. AyeAye13

    AyeAye13 Cosmic Narwhal

    It has antagonists, so yes. And no, it will not have a pet fishy because that is ridiculous ;p
  13. Gandalf

    Gandalf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm. I just thought of a cool story that can be used as Fan Fiction. It involves the Glitch.
  14. Enelin Aquini

    Enelin Aquini Master Chief

    I am Enelin Aquini.

    After the recent Starbound program, I was sent to a mission to discover new worlds suitable for living. After I received my ship "The Halberd", together with my crew, we headed out to the vast space and search for what we needed, a home.

    Keeping a spaceship to work like a well-oiled machine requires precise work, and good leadership.
    Hopefully this would help fellow Captains to avoid mutiny, space dementia(not an urban legend), Space Pirates, crashing and etc.
    Rule #1
    The captain is to be followed and his words are unbreakable.
    Rule #2
    Treat the ship as a mother. Because without it your head/s would have expanded and exploded and that's just sad.
    Rule #3
    Do not in any circumstances go out of the ship without proper equipment. (refer to rule 2).
    Rule #4
    Keep your gun handy, and your senses ready.
    Rule #5
    Do not provoke space pirates. Always, ALWAYS avoid messing with them.
    Rule #6
    Always sanitize after killing gigantic slime monsters or keep a good hygiene.
    Rule #7
    Be careful when using the toilet. Or get sucked in like an idiot and become a smurf.
    Rule #8
    Be careful in trusting other people and be wise in judging others.
    Rule #9
    Do not stare at solar flares.
    Rule #10
    Become resourceful. And do not waste.
    (You guys add some rules, be humorous if you want to, and starbound related)
  15. GamerGod

    GamerGod Phantasmal Quasar

    I can see Star Wars music and futurama references when this game comes out.
  16. aquaclaw

    aquaclaw Subatomic Cosmonaut

    My Story Sucks.... oh well i enjoy making it so i am happy :)
    nababoo likes this.
  17. Practice makes perfect as well :)
    Ecleptic likes this.
  18. dillybar1992

    dillybar1992 Space Spelunker

    I'm totally in! I'm not sure how often I'll be able to respond as I live on a ship and there is no internet on the ship, but I will participate and respond as often as I can!
  19. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Has epifiny*
    What if some one made...stay with me here...What if someone made...
    Hey. They did it with star wars, so so can we!
    GamerGod likes this.

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