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Pre-Order Beta Confirmed!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Forever, Jan 12, 2013.

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  1. I love being in the generation where you can play video games with your dad. There is no better form of bonding.
  2. Luz Terin

    Luz Terin Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I doubt it's as little content as you think it is in Tier 1, but I kind of agree, also sorry for not explaining myself.
    My thought process is that it would be restricted to Tier 1 + whatever systems/stuff they haven't tested, because chances are that they have tested most of the systems and fixed any bug that was there. I seriously doubt the beta would be the whole game.
  3. Assassinsillusion

    Assassinsillusion Starship Captain

    I just wish to get a chance to play it a little before uni kicks back off it would be great to play a little beta before having work pile up again. Also would be great to report bugs they might not have come across.
    NovastarX likes this.
  4. Adam #

    Adam # Big Damn Hero

    So the problems we have with pre-releasing that I got are:
    1. Incomplete feel
    2. Too little in the demo to test bugs
    3. Bad reviews
    4. Getting confused as a copy of minecraft's copy
    5. Only want full version
    HURRI AP CHUKLEFEESH (no pressure)
  5. Giant Squid

    Giant Squid Zero Gravity Genie

    The first four reasons I agree with, but are avoidable by whomever wishes to avoid them, simply by not pre-ordering and taking part in the beta. Just wait until the full game comes out. And if pre-ordering comes with other goodies, then just pre-order it and don't play until the full version is out. Simple as that. Takes a lot of self control, but it's totally doable.
    NovastarX likes this.
  6. Eccentric

    Eccentric Pangalactic Porcupine

    Aren't you a little bit overreacting?
    Alanzer-DNA likes this.
  7. HappySailor

    HappySailor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    1. That's unavoidable BUT multiple games do it and here's the thing, they don't do it if the game doesn't feel finished enough to play, there will obviously be content.
    2. IT'S NOT A DEMO! Beta means you will play everything they have done so far, and then 2 weeks later they add the big space station update, 2 weeks later, quest system, 2 weeks monster breeding, they will not have some point where the game "stops" a BETA is not a restricted plaything, you will not be limited to any amount of content as long as it has actually been written into the game. if the game stops at 1 planet or tier 1, it becomes demo, they said beta, which means everytime we get a feature we get to play with it and test bugs actively.
    3. If a game does not war z it up and release a beta AS a game, then it won't. look at don't starve on steam, if you pre-order, you get beta access, it is completely clear that you are buying a game that will be fully released eventually but it is not done now. Anyone who reviews a game that is CLEARLY (Note devs: make it very clear) in beta, and gives it poor results, is not worth the weight of his results.
    4. Wha-? grammar? and no one would get confused, here's the thing, yes people might look at it as minecraft's patented sales strategy, but fun-fact, minecraft made 15 million dollars just after it exited ALPHA stage! and no one gave it flak, in fact no professional reviewer released a minecraft review until they declared it as version 1.0. No one will get "confused" unless i misunderstand your use of the word, they will know it is a different game with different rules, and different devs, and different everything elses.
    5. That's your perogative, to me, it has become somewhat a biological imperative to play this game, in any stage. I owned minecraft over a year before it "released" and when I played it didn't have nethers, or dragons, or redstone, or potions, or any of that nonsense...but what it had was sheer simple, magic. The game was fun and because it was in alpha I knew only more would come, every couple weeks was some new and amazing feature to play with, and it was still fun every single time.
    What I am getting at is a non-finished game is still playable and fun. the game will not be some poor slapped together beta to tease you, it will be an in depth project that caters to what we need. and that simply is, to play the game.
  8. Hemmingjay

    Hemmingjay Master Chief

    I am standing by to buy 10-20 copies(depending on price) to give away. The buzz is deafening in my echo chamber!
  9. ore9ore

    ore9ore Subatomic Cosmonaut

    In addition to what HappySailor says: if you don't want a prebuy beta version, simply DON'T PREBUY IT!

    Devs are going to continue making the game, whether launch or not launch the beta. Beta is only for making us happy. But if you aren't gonna be happy, simply don't get tha prebuy beta.
    enemarius86 and Electric0Eye like this.
  10. Corrupt Ai

    Corrupt Ai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It doesn't even take that much self-control. It isn't as if you have to install the beta and have it sitting on your desktop all of the time. Not eating cookies and ice-cream constantly to stay healthy takes more self-control than this if you have both in the house and enjoy them as much as I do.
  11. Biscuit Sawce

    Biscuit Sawce Pangalactic Porcupine

    I hope they allow us to preorder on steam!
    Draconano likes this.
  12. The Man

    The Man Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well goats are like toasters if you shoot a duck im scared of mushrooms, thats all
  13. Adam #

    Adam # Big Damn Hero

    Err... The things I said were from the posts already made, so basically, you just cleared out that theres no problem with Beta'ing, thanks gais :rofl:
  14. OMGJJ

    OMGJJ Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Me too :(
    Landlaw likes this.
  15. Katorone

    Katorone Giant Laser Beams

    That's why they're polishing the game a good as possible before doing the beta. ;)
    Mr. Electric Ocean and Landlaw like this.
  16. Need. Want. Give.

    (I love this game)
  17. RustyJ

    RustyJ Big Damn Hero

    I'm going to buy the beta but I can't wait until the full version comes out so I can have a look at the space bar!
  18. Eccentric

    Eccentric Pangalactic Porcupine

    I can't wait to grow a beard in-game.

    I already made my character that looks like me: [​IMG]

    But of course I will make some other races too.
    Like my steambot.

    Attached Files:

    Bryan, GunmanRex and Morfessa like this.
  19. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Why wait? There's a space bar right on your keyboard!
  20. RustyJ

    RustyJ Big Damn Hero

    Haha that made me lol but apparently there is going to be a bar in the space station and I want to check it out.
    natelovesyou likes this.
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