List of Announced Game Information (Retired due to release)

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Blue, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Adurna

    Adurna Big Damn Hero

    Not trying to be rude, but I have have no idea what you just said o.o
    Breather likes this.
  2. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    lemme guess, u haven't look in suggetion forum? If not knowing the racist is well known is below.

    and I can't remember where is that one racist that I forgot its name...
    P.S I am still digging the one I like and try figure out which one they should post jammed, they probably deleted them or something like move them somewhere.
  3. Casimir VanKrieg

    Casimir VanKrieg Zero Gravity Genie

    Maybe you should write racial instead of racist? They're different things, you know?
  4. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    meh, racial, racist, sound same to me:rofl::lolwut:
  5. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    He means he can't understand you because your grammar and how you said your post is terrible, no offence.
    Also, just because tons of people vote for and/or want a suggested race in the game, doesn't mean it's going to get in.
  6. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    not ezy for person who is a person got their part of brain that hold small amount grammar part got shot off by a bullet...still sux
  7. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    Sorry then.
  8. Combine_Kegan

    Combine_Kegan Phantasmal Quasar

    They're two completely different things and you SHOULD probably know the difference between them, otherwise you might just end up offending someone
    Firered likes this.
  9. Urist McDwarf

    Urist McDwarf Void-Bound Voyager

    Ugh... why don't you just say that you don't understand english well, instead of lying to us?
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  10. Firered

    Firered Void-Bound Voyager

    I akree. We shall stop soon. Uhm... Pine... Maple... Mmmmm waffles...

    EDIT: I only just realized that topic was broken hours ago... Now we are talking about races or something... Uhm... I have nothing to say. ;-;
  11. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    Come on, guys, don't be mean. He got shot in the grammar part of his brain!
    Soarar likes this.
  12. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    Pfft, like they r going help to restore missing cell of the brain. They don't have anything restore any pieces meat of my brain that I meant.

    not joking, just bit slight of brain cell is really missing cuz little small accident of idiot who mistaken me another guy shot small of my good learning part to have good freaking B in english now went down freaking c- cuz that.
  13. enemarius86

    enemarius86 Cosmic Narwhal

    just another two moths.... So close yet so far... :(
  14. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Meh,I think It'll be out not before january/holydays.
  15. enemarius86

    enemarius86 Cosmic Narwhal

    c'ést la vie!
    Dassery likes this.
  16. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    November-January is the general Holiday Season. We will have to just wait and see.
  17. HunterUTF

    HunterUTF Void-Bound Voyager

    Guys ... ?! Look at this !

    (This is not interplanetary travel video ;) )

    And new screen !

  18. FixelPixel

    FixelPixel Pangalactic Porcupine

    sweet, left you can se a robot, and a map! is it real? Or just a picture :confused:
  19. Lazor Llama

    Lazor Llama Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dat lamp robot
    Eight and Breather like this.
  20. Ziarc

    Ziarc Void-Bound Voyager

    I lol'd

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