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Furry Friendly Starbound Server (Modpack Updated 4/7/2015, Races, Music, Improvements and more!)

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by Snowpup, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Dead Feather

    Dead Feather Void-Bound Voyager

    One suggest, what about doing a forum like the GC one? I mean, I know those forums are payed but there are some free, just looking for :create free forum, you could do something like that right? I think it will make things out of server better :D
  2. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    I technically already have one setup; it's just hidden and it looks ugly. I've yet to have the desire/time spent to find a good theme.

    Also sorry for the bit of downtime today. We weren't actually down, but our domain was going through its renewal process. All is done now.
  3. Cobalt Lightning

    Cobalt Lightning Existential Complex

    In my own opinion, I'd think the one hear is fine. Keeping it active continuously draws in new members, and it's no mere boast to claim we're one of the most successful modded servers in Starbound currently: Been around for a year and plenty of activity in both the forums and the game.
    fafeman likes this.
  4. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    We're not adding mods until after the Nightly update.
  5. Lycan Blackpaw

    Lycan Blackpaw Big Damn Hero

    I'm getting a weird issue, where when I try to connect, it says 'This character's name is already taken.' I used this character to connect, then had to disconnect from lag, and this error keeps popping up. The character name is Lycan Blackpaw, and the race is Kimono, if that matters. Any help, please?

    P.S. I tried restarting both the game and my computer with no result, so...help pls.
  6. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    You have to log in with the username and password you registered with. Please read to see if anyone's had the same issue before you post.
    You need the modpack.
  7. Dead Feather

    Dead Feather Void-Bound Voyager

    One question, when I go to the gateway it says: Connection to server have been terminated twice, i don't know if it is a mute... if it is I don't know what I've done but I'm sorry, if it's not... somebody can help..?
  8. Oddbrother

    Oddbrother Cosmic Narwhal

    Any mods that work client-sided are okay, such as Reno's FPSFix.

    You can use other musical instrument mods, too. But anyone else who doesn't have that same mod will not hear your music, and throwing any of those items on the server will turn into Perfectly Generic Items.

    Remove any other mods not part of the mod pack that would otherwise contain techs and placeable objects, or you and/or other players will crash when nearby.
  9. DracoScale

    DracoScale Phantasmal Quasar

    hey fluffballs! i was wondering when the mod pack would get any kind of update (or if). You guys still got it all in place and that is, like a certain tiger would say, GRRRRRRRRREAT!
  10. MewYork

    MewYork Void-Bound Voyager

    I have returned from space! how exciting :D
  11. Dead Feather

    Dead Feather Void-Bound Voyager

    One question, could any modder could give me the datas of standing poly and crounching poly for a player with half of size(?scale=0.5) ?
  12. ᴋᴀʙʟᴇ

    ᴋᴀʙʟᴇ Master Chief

    I would like to see the rules for the server, anyone know where they are?
  13. ralord

    ralord Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey there, I require a planet of mine restored after a glitch within the game, fortunately I have the file of it on me, but the forums aren't letting me post its link yet. if you could get to me, Snow, that be appreciated
  14. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    I'm just waiting for the update to play again.
    Also the pony modpack added a new race yay
  15. Jake_Shifter

    Jake_Shifter Phantasmal Quasar

    Is this still a thing or have i wandered back into the desolate ruins of a once-great civilization yet again (i'm looking at you, Homeworld 2)
  16. DracoScale

    DracoScale Phantasmal Quasar

    everyone is mostly waiting for the modpack update to play once more.
  17. Jake_Shifter

    Jake_Shifter Phantasmal Quasar

    How long do we think it's going to be until everything is back up and running again?
  18. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    The server's been up and will continue to do so unless Snow says otherwise. We're waiting on the 1.0 release to update the modpack and receive the wave of fresh content.
  19. RockoFurry

    RockoFurry Space Hobo

    What version does the modpack have to be installed? Mine when I installed it had the following message upload_2015-1-26_18-47-35.png
  20. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Enraged Koala.

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