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Why Starbound was disappointing to me. (Listed reasons of why. Hopefully not TL;DR)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Vsuchinoko, Oct 18, 2014.

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    KONGIKU Void-Bound Voyager

    Maybe it's just me, I just think a delete button should come stock in a video game. I really don't know how someone could forget a delete character button
    Pingeh likes this.
  2. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    That's not unreasonable. But if they've implemented one in the nightly and people continue to say give it to me, it's the same as saying I WANT AN UPDATE NOW. Well, of course. Everyone does, but saying it doesn't make it happen faster. It's also pretty similar to reporting a bug in version 1.0 that they fixed in 1.1, for instance.
    Kabu likes this.
  3. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    No one feels the same because most people around these parts actually read the front page and see the work being done on most of the things you claim don't feel right

    KONGIKU Void-Bound Voyager

    For clarification the disappointing aspect of Starbound is that they are not taking care of the game properly, so the delete button not existing in the normal version of the game is really just neglecting in my opinion-- that is why it is disappointing, I think
  5. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Except they are. Ignoring the Nightly build and the progress there doesn't make it any less valid
    Kabu likes this.
  6. Vsuchinoko

    Vsuchinoko Phantasmal Quasar

    He said it was just his opinion that it still shows neglect and he IS fully aware of the nightly builds progress. I'm not trying to be rude but he is saying his opinion that it shows neglect and you confronting that with your opinion that because nightly builds have a delete button invalidates his feeling they're neglecting the game doesn't add a lot to the discussion.

    You're just rejecting his opinion with something he already pointed out... But I agree with you still. They added it to the nightly build i.e. it is definitely coming later on to the normal version of Starbound and THAT is enough for me. It's his opinion that because it wasn't implemented to the normal build it shows laziness, in which, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Opinion.

    Ehh. Again I didn't ask "Are the devs working on it"?

    I said, have you felt this way before while playing the game? It is out of curiosity. Or have you just enjoyed the exploration despite how I felt and what I thought exploration was like. Needless or not the devs are working on it. If they are, hoo-hah. I would be so happy with that.

    KONGIKU Void-Bound Voyager

    ok but the random Steam user that doesn't care about the Nightly build and buys the game is going to notice that there is no delete button, and return feel saddened by its absence
    Pingeh and Vsuchinoko like this.
  8. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    THen that's their choice. The work is being done and it will come with the next update. Therefore griping about it at this point in time is completely useless.
  9. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

  10. Vsuchinoko

    Vsuchinoko Phantasmal Quasar

    I see what you mean, but, I'm not just asking for devs to "oh fix this". I've been keeping up to pace. I know they are working. I'm just curious of others have felt the same about how the game feels in its current and previous builds. More-so the current build. This game can be in development until 2016. As long as the devs make a worthy game I am a happy man.

    I just wanted to spring up some actual discussion about how the game felt, not cherry pick and ask everyone to tell me "it's being worked on". I appreciate it though. The responses are nice but I would love discussion discussion.
    Down the line, the developers can really have oversight some of the things here. I really wanted to nick and point out as much as I could.

    KONGIKU Void-Bound Voyager

    if they are planning on keeping the current version going for quite some time (like they have been), then some simple improvements should be made
    drakd, Thundercraft and Pingeh like this.
  12. Vsuchinoko

    Vsuchinoko Phantasmal Quasar

    I agree. Ofcourse they should improve things every build version. I do not know what it is from preventing them from adding a delete button to a version, just like that, MAYBE it actually could be a real quick fix they just all of a sudden had oversight on, BUT it could also be something really weird preventing them from fixing it all in one quick patch.

    I have no idea what it could be. Maybe something about it having to work with mods if they add the delete button i.e. nightly builds don't have a lot of mod functionality. Now let's just stop re-iterating this same topic needlessly though and further a discussion.
    drakd and KONGIKU like this.
  13. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    In that case, yes, I do believe what is going to be implemented to stable but has not yet been added should be added.

    As for the discussion you want, I am hoping that they add a meaning to the tiny houses you can find. The new status effect is perfect for shrinking your character and allowing you to enter them. :->
    Vsuchinoko likes this.

    KONGIKU Void-Bound Voyager

    I thought we would be promised server sided characters a long time ago also. That really would have made online play a lot more fun, since most public servers are now just full of cheat engine characters.
  15. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    I hope so. It makes dedicated servers feel more important.
    Vsuchinoko and KONGIKU like this.
  16. Vsuchinoko

    Vsuchinoko Phantasmal Quasar

    Oh you probably know about countless times I've lost my character save on a server I really enjoyed. They should probably also make traveling to other planets much more streamlined when you want to connect to other players and find specific worlds i.e. I want to find this kind of biome, this size, and this level instead of clicking random and clicking.

    Also the problem with choosing planets in a system is that you can't go back. I'll click on a Star system, then onto planets on one particular orbit, but then I can't go backward into the Star system to check out the other planets in its orbit for anything interesting. Damn frustrating when I just want to quickly look among random planets for something I like OR try to nitpick a type of planet i want. They really should just streamline that and came to surprise me they haven't yet.

    Yeah. I thought small touches were nice but they needed more soul to them. I know this game is in beta status and those small things are just there but I hope in the final build it really does become something and not something we're used to just walking over or hitting for pixels. On subtle touch I want to re-iterate is death animations that make the mobs and humanoids feel so much more organic besides an explosion.
    KONGIKU likes this.

    KONGIKU Void-Bound Voyager

    I ran my dedicated server for about 3 months and realised it needed that badly. Even in the current build of the game it's really fun to start new with other players. I had a lot of fun times in the server with other people but when someone with a really geared up character joined they either started to destroy everything or just gave everyone free things that kind of defeated the purpose. I guess the online is more of a co-op oriented game which was rather disappointing also because I vaguely remember a discussion on how multiplayer will be improved on.
    KeesDeNeger and Vsuchinoko like this.
  18. CaptThad

    CaptThad Pangalactic Porcupine

    The reason the stable build was created was 'cause people didn't want to deal with character wipes. Odd concept to me for a beta, but I can easily see how people might feel that way. They've sorta continued that approach with future stable builds; they want to minimize the number of wipes as much as they can. They've said they're holding off on a stable update until they finish out the tech tree progression:

    If there wasn't so much community backlash early on about the patching approach they started with, the current build everyone's using would prolly have that delete button. They took the massive amount of community feedback though and decided better safe than sorry. Hopefully the next stable build isn't too far off, then you'll have your button--alongside all sorts of other nifty features.

    For the not being able to go back... have you tried right-clicking? I don't remember a point where you couldn't do that in the nav menu. There's a mouse icon on the screen that indicates the zoom inputs.

    The planet scanning is something they haven't talked about in awhile. There's a scanner now, it gives you an indication of hazards, planet size, and the primary/sub surface biomes. Very useful stuff, huge time saver, but I want a little more than that--like indications of dungeon/village and underground biomes. As far as my ability to explore is concerned, there's going to be an infinite number of planets: I don't want to have to manually check under each one's skirt to find what I'm looking for. Hope they're planning on tuning that system more once they get the new biomes and mission-styled planets more complete. Not sure how the system registers the info that would be displayed, or how much is determined for a particular planet before it's generated.

    I can't remember the last time a visited planet history/favorites system has been mentioned in a dev post either. That's an important feature. Not game-breaking, but definitely big for QoL.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014

    KONGIKU Void-Bound Voyager

    I get what you're trying to say but I was using the delete button as a representation of why the game is disappointing-- and the fact that it needs to be patched in still just makes me wonder why
  20. The Observer

    The Observer Phantasmal Quasar

    Because people complained about small updates and download limits they had and the need to download everything and this and that.

    If you were fulfilled, then others would complain. You are not the only person who plays Starbound, the people have spoken, and you were outvoted. That's democracy for you.

    Can't please everyone.
    Darklight and Kabu like this.
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