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Are you happy with the development speed? [Unofficial Poll]

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Morsus98, Sep 22, 2014.


Are you happy with the speed at which Starbound is being developed and updated?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Kind of

  4. Not really

  5. Don't know / Don't care

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  1. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    Well, at the very least have have enough money to work on it for the next 9 years, right?
  2. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    I voted kind of happy with the development speed and updates... The development seems to be moving steadily which is a good thing, even though I would wish they were focusing more on the progression of the game, they are probably already doing that for all I know.

    Having to defeat a boss in order to advance in the game was not really what I expected from Starbound, I mean defeating a boss being the only way to advance. I thought it would be more open to the player, in such a way that the player could craft the upgrades for the spaceship without having to defeat a boss.

    The stable build updates are taking a while, but it doesn't bother me that much, I just hope they make Starbound as good as it can be.


    Oh, and I really hope elevators come to Starbound, that would be cool. I'd really love that. <3
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2014
  3. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    They've been pretty vague on that score. Like, they've told us they're working on it, and gave us a raw outline of game progression, but it was stripped of a LOT of specifics, likely to prevent over-spoiling of gameplay. But I did note one of the "bottlenecks" on the graph mentioned you could quest for a key item... OR just buy it outright. Soooooooooooo...

    Yeah, that I did not expect. Here I am puttering on my little moon in my little cave-like base, armed with not much more powerful than a bow and arrow and common sword, thinking in normal "survival" mode, and no indication that activating my distress beacon meant a flying saucer fulla penguins would come wreck my shit with bazookas and such forcing a different kind of survival mode. That was an arduous fight. Took forever.

    I'd so put one in my tree.
    Splignarth likes this.
  4. Morsus98

    Morsus98 Industrial Terraformer

    If you want, I can put together a kickstarter like the guy who kickstarted a potato salad. The only people who get a cookie are those who donated $50 or voted on this poll. Stretch goals include $500,000 for chocolate chips and if we raise $1,000,000 I'll add vanilla chips.

    SHREKLOVER69 Yeah, You!

    To be honest its nice to at least see them working on it instead of completely ditching it. So I voted "Kind of" due to the fact that they haven't updated Starbound in so long
  6. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    They havent released a stable version in a long while but that dosent mean that they "havent updated starbound", they update starbound allmost every work day (nightlies version).
  7. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    Exactly what I want to type in every thread around this particular topic. Voted "yes" as it will be done as fast as it will be done, my feeling in anyway dissatisfied/impatient/patient/happy/busy doing other things won't change that. :party:
    ReverendBonobo likes this.
  8. Dust

    Dust Giant Laser Beams

    I support Starbound, but even I don't support the nightlies = updates argument. They're a showcase or Teaser of whats to come at best.

    I will point out that people are flat out wrong when they say Chucklefish isn't working on the game though.
    Owl_Stalker likes this.
  9. Galacticon

    Galacticon Void-Bound Voyager

    • USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST. Reason: "Losing Your Cool". Expires: 1 Month
    Its crap they haven't updated the game. Developers are immature, unprofessional and dont stick to their word. They say they develop the game but release a few others in the meantime. Its crap. I'm upset.
    makraiz, Splignarth and Pingeh like this.
  10. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Well, you are upset. Just don't pour the deceptic tank on these forums.

    EDIT: Galacticon, that post is the kind of stuff you make a rap with.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2014
  11. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah, I think that questing for a spaceship upgrade would be a cool addition. Not so sure about buying a spaceship upgrade from an NPC though, but I guess that could be fun too given the mobs and battle system become more advanced (not just clicking the mouse button, but something a little more skill-based).
    Yeah, I was in that boat when I first started playing the beta, I ended up having to google search how I could advance in the game. I don't like having a guide holding my hand through a game though, but I think it should be easier to find out how you advance in the game, maybe have a tutorial option when you start the game which tells you the basics. Some kind of old man NPC showing you the basics, maybe.
    Yeah, elevators would be lovely, even if the elevator is slow. I can imagine 6 players waiting for the elevator to reach their floor, pushing the button. "Dude, I was going to take the elevator now, it was my turn >_>" - "The elevator was closest to my floor, stop complaining, it will come to you soon." great fun. Or a skyscraper with lots of floors and more elevators in a multiplayer server, fun fun.
  12. sortajan

    sortajan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Development speed wouldn't have bothered me if the game hadn't been EA. Chucklefish set a standard for EA early on and then fell below that standard. I don't regret my purchase, dislike the game or particularly resent anyone for this. I feel that, in entering Starbound to EA, Chucklefish had a responsibility to meet the goals they set for themselves regardless of the cost. I was raised to believe that, if you make your bed you have to lie in it; so I feel very strongly about this. I suppose what bothers me is that it feels like, while Starbound hasn't be abandoned by any means, Early Access has been; and that's not really fair to the many dedicated fans that gave their support and money.

    Setting that aside, I'm ambivalent. I felt like I should emphatically vote no. I'm torn between understanding that the game is taking longer than they expected, and condemning its failure as an Early Access game.

    I voted kind of. I still can't wait to see how the game turns out.
    Nimeni likes this.
  13. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    They have no hand in developing the other games. They're only publishing them.
    Owl_Stalker likes this.
  14. Blue

    Blue Former Staff

    I voted Yes.
    As I look at the rate of updates in the following way...

    Stable Early Access - We only got a handful of updates before they squashed most the bugs present in the early release, making it what is considered stable. But as the game is labeled as early access, and I got to play it, early, before it's release, by definition it fulfilled what I expected.

    Nightly (possibly broken) updates - These I consider to be like Minecraft's snapshots and development updates, but more frequent. These contain a lot of new things for me to try if I feel the need to see what's been changed or added to the game. They aren't even technically required to be given to me by the Devs, as I paid for early access (see above) and I got it. I DO expect them to give updates AFTER release, as those were indeed promised. And while It's true I haven't played the game for a couple months, but I've been distracted by other things, but that doesn't mean I don't keep an eye on where the game is going or read the dev updates.

    As for anything that was promised outright by the Devs to be added to the game itself, I can't complain at all that they are not present yet, as I am not omniscient and know what the Devs will or wont be adding later down the line to fulfill said promises. I know very well what was promised to be added as once upon a time I was the one keeping track of a very long list here on the forum of the announced additions to the game. As for having to wait to enjoy all those things that were promised to be added, patience and understanding are human traits I am glad I possess. I look forward greatly to the game that was promised and do not think I was lied to. And at any point I can not rely on patience then I can rely on STEAM, which contains thousands of other games for me to play while I wait for the finished product. I personally don't see any reason that people are upset. And frankly taking out your anger on the Devs, for whatever reason you may have it, doesn't reflect badly on them, only yourself. Yes I sit on a fairly high horse when it comes to preaching patience... but honestly, there are worse things to be keen on spreading.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    Tamorr and Akado like this.
  15. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Well, there's also the diff between "promised" and "what we'd like to put in". They shared a fair few pie-in-the-sky ideas, but I'd hesitate to call everything they floated a "promise".
    Izzabelle and Finn Learson like this.
  16. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    I think their current pace is great, they should just keep doing what they're doing now, love reading the daily updates, a lot of exciting things seem to make their way into the game.
  17. Paco495

    Paco495 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In the end, developement is typically behind closed doors and people do not get to see all the warts, sweat, and tears. Development is not all ice cream and unicorns, and the uninitiated seem to have a hard time with this concept. I think we need to add so more choices"

    1. I understand software development and I expected this timeframe
    2. I thought the game was cool, has no idea it would take this long - lesson learned about development process
    3. Burn by EA because I did not properly read or understand what I was paying for (RAGE!!)
  18. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    The issue of EA is a thorny one, largely because Steam has zero protections for stuff like what Double Fine of all companies pulled (basically releasing an alpha as the "finished" product and abandoning the game people paid full price on). I fully agree that a healthy dose of caveat emptor applies to any EA purchase, but there's a question as to how much responsibility is on Steam to properly communicate just what EA entails, and on the developer to communicate on Steam just at what stage the EA game is at upon purchase.

    That said, I don't think Chucklefish has abused or exploited the EA program. I do think they could do well to really lay out ON STEAM exactly the state of the game you are buying into, your options and whatnot (5-month-old stable build vs. current unstable nightlies, laying out the big differences between them AND the intended final game, what's missing, etc), without people having to come here for information.

    (But once you're ON here though, yes, you should be reading instead of just dumping a "they haven't done anything in two years" manifester.)

    I've enjoyed this EA purchase, zero regrets, but I honestly doubt I'd buy into another one at this stage.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  19. stringkiller

    stringkiller Aquatic Astronaut

    I do not play starbound, I'm waiting for the 1.0 release before doing so I don't miss any story content and such (as we all were told when chucklefish released the open beta). I think that this game is being developed at a nice pace, but it was released a bit too early. It takes a lot of time an effort from a lot of people to make such big broad mod-able games like this one to come true and to tell the truth, it is even raising my expectations on what's to come.

    Chucklefish obviously decided to make things a bit slower and deliver a much better product than what was first told, even though they most likely knew the controversy this would create. If you want a good quality game, this is a good choice. A bad rushed game will always be bad, a good delayed game will eventually be good.
    Archer likes this.
  20. gejiryu

    gejiryu Big Damn Hero

    I honestly don't believe we will ever see 1.0 at this rate, like, it's way too difficult to make a game, and problems happen, and if they take more time it's even possible they may run out of money, and i would be genuinely surprised if other people gave their own hard worked money for a promise of a game.

    I've seen this kind of thing before y'know, we citizens of the internet like to call it vaporware.
    makraiz, Splignarth and Pingeh like this.
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